On 01/09/2019 08:04 PM, John Levine wrote:
> Since MUAs don't talk to MXes, I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

MUAs talk to MSA's, which in my experience are usually also an MTA.
Even if inbound and outbound MTAs are separated, they are usually
administered in the same manner.

Not in my experience, they aren't. In fact it's pretty much the opposite -
changes that are needed on both often only get made on one of them.

If they are separate it's for a reason, and implementing that typically
requires different configurations.

So if you need to do something on an
MSA, chances are good that the same thing will be done on an inbound MTA
that is an MX.

Only if they happen to be the same system and the person running them is
careless, incompetent, or both.


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