On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 10:00:21PM -0700, Josh Jeppson wrote:
> Anybody seen IBM's new Linux commercials?  The ones
> with the very white little boy who is 'adopted' by
> the world?  What do you all think? Like/dislike?
> Comments?
> They strike me as a little strange.

Some of the best ads out there are ``a little strange.''  Here is a
transcript of the commercial:


This commercial marks a milestone in the history of GNU/Linux and Free
Software.  The most established and widely respected technology
company in the world is now putting its name (hence, reputation) and
money behind it in a massive ad campaign.

The commercial itself contains on philosophical underpinnings relating
to the nature of knowledge and the dynamics of human interaction and
progress.  ``It takes a village to rear a child,'' so the saying goes.
GNU/Linux is the child, and the worldwide community of hackers (and
paid professional developers, who can also be hackers :-) constitute
the village.  The prodigy commercial captures this sentiment

And now for my personal line-by-line analysis of this commercial:

> Open on young boy sitting in chair, camera pans overhead.

The boy, in the most transparent sense, represents the GNU/Linux
source code.  He can also represent more than just the software; he
can represent mankind, as its members participate in the development
of the software.  The code is Open; any structure, algorithm, or other
design that goes into Free Software is freely available to others for
study.  In that sense, everyone learns and develops as the prodigy
``learns'' and develops in a synergistic manner.  ``Knowledge

Traditional academic environments depended largely upon the expertise
of the professor.  The technology available to students was sub-par to
what was actually being used in industry, because industry kept the
details of its implementations secret.  Technology businesses believed
that this secrecy gave them a competitive advantage that would
translate directly into added revenue; as it turns out, the dynamics
of the technology market may not be so simple.  That ``competitive
advantage'' can come at a terrible price; after all, all ships rise
with the tide.

> Male Voice:   I think you should see this.

This represents those who are ``in the know'' about GNU/Linux and Free
Software.  We are amazed by it because we see what it is and what is
could be.  

> Female Voice: Its just a kid.

This is a typical reaction from those who learn about GNU/Linux and
Free Software for the first time.  It is just starting to gain
widespread adoption; it is, relative to other operating systems and
software packages, a newcomer.  In reality, much of the foundation of
GNU/Linux was laid quite some time ago, but the complete GNU/Linux as
a packaged product is relatively young.  People look at it that way.

> Cut to young boy sitting in front of rock musician.
> Rock Guy:    This is a G chord. (Strums his guitar)

This is when the instruction of the prodigy begins in the commercial.
It is a high-level description of a concept, followed by a
demonstration of that concept to the child.  Of course, that G chord
could have been produced an a plethora of musical instruments, but it
is always a G chord, no matter what is used to play it.

It is interesting to note that the first bit of instruction is more of
an artistic nature than a scientific.

I liken it to the ability of humankind to learn from what they observe
and integrate that into their community.  Of course, the G chord is
representative of a much more broad concept of music.  One can assume
that the musician will continue to instruct the prodigy on other
chords.  He will then explain the concept of harmony, then melody.
Pitch, timing, clefts, crescendo, scales, and other concepts relating
to music will naturally follow.  Then, the rock musician will go on to
play something like Stairway to Heaven, demonstrating what the
constructs of music can produce.

The many individual principles of computer science and engineering are
interesting in and of themselves, but they are symphonic when combined
into a complete GNU/Linux package.  Within the context of Free
Software, we have the sheet music.  We can see each individual part,
and we can improve upon the individual parts.  Thus the whole turns
out to be more than just the sum of those parts.

> Cut to boy sitting in chair, side view (overhead).
> Male Voice:      Hes learning. Absorbing. Hes getting smarter every
> day.

Any principle of knowledge that finds its way into a Free Software
product becomes a principle of knowledge that is inherited by
mankind, because the code that describes the operation is freely
available for all to study, learn from, and integrate.  GNU/Linux has
nowhere to go but up.  It will not disappear when some company goes
out of business.  The code is here to stay, and there will always be
people who will continue to improve upon it and refine it.  The wealth
of Free Software will continue to increase, and our wealth of
knowledge will increase with it.

> Cut to boy with anthropologist sitting across from him.
> Anthropologist:                      Homo habilis was the first to use
> tools.

Anthropologists tend to agree that the only thing that distinguishes
mankind from the other living creatures on the earth is the extent to
which men use tools.  GNU/Linux is just that - a tool.  Our ability to
build it and use it effectively is what defines us as human beings.
Only this is a tool that we are building collaboratively using the new
technology of the Internet that has formed in just the last few
decades.  This is another big step in the evolution of the toolmaking

> Cut to Coach John R. Wooden speaking to boy.
> Coach Wooden:   A player who makes a team great is more valuable
> than a great player. Losing yourself in the group, for the good of the
> group, thats teamwork.

This is very insightful.  It's hard to be a one-man superstar in the
Free Software world.  If you run off and do your own thing, without
communicating and working together with the community through the
process, you are likely to duplicate effort, produce something that
does not integrate well with what everyone else is trying to do, or
add little value to what is already there.  In fact, if you can even
hinder the progress of the community by distracting them from what
they are trying to accomplish as a team.  I believe that IBM is also
making a statement here about its commitment to being a team player in
the Free Software community.

> Cut to close-up of boy.
> Male Voice:   It's happening fast.

Boy is it ever!  All the pieces have been falling into place very
quickly.  Keeping up seems to be the biggest challenge we face.

> Cut to astronomer speaking to boy.
> Astronomer:     We've always watched the stars. If you look at the
> sky, you can see the beginning of time.

The stars have always represented the grandeur of creation and the
vastness of the universe.  Mankind has always pushed forward, to learn
more of his world, and there is always more to learn.

When developing Free Software, we should always be looking to the
stars, so to speak.  What limitations do we currently experience, and
how can we overcome those limitations using the Free Software
development model?  There is always progress to be made; there is
always the next level to achieve.

> Cut to soccer player bouncing ball on knee in front of boy.

We get further into the diversity of talent within the community.
Everyone has something unique to bring into Free Software.  Different
people have different strengths, and some Free Software developers are
absolutely amazing at what they do.

> Cut to Professor Gates speaking to boy.
> Mr. Gates:     Collecting data is only the first step toward
> wisdom. But sharing data is the first step toward community.

That's what it's all about, isn't it?  Community.  What gets shared is
what enriches us.  I am amused by the irony of Professor ``Gates''
saying this.  :-)

> Cut to side shot of poet speaking to boy.
> Poet:  Poetry. There's not much glory in poetry, only achievement.

Glory implies worldly praise from those around you.  Some of the
greatest works of art have gone unnoticed by the world until several
centuries after the artist has passed away.  Sometimes what you
contribute to Free Software is not immediately noticed.  Richard
Stallman laid the foundation for GNU/Linux, but he does not get nearly
as much glory as other members of the community who built on his
philosophical and engineering foundations.  A hundred years from now,
however, something tells me that it's his name that will be in the
history books.

> Cut to overhead shot of boy.
> Voice:                Knowledge amplification. What he learns, we all
> learn. What he knows, we all benefit from.

This is the most valuable property of Free Software.  Since the code
is open for all to study, we all benefit from the contributions made
by others.  If someone comes up with a novel way of scheduling
processes across a grid of computers, and he contributes it to the
kernel, then everyone can study the implementation and learn from it.
As a result, we all understand exactly how it works, and we all

> Cut to side shot of Sylvia Nasar speaking to boy.
> Ms. Nasar:  One little thing can solve an incredibly complex problem.

Computer systems present many *very* complex problems.  The more
people we get involved in trying to solve those problems, the more
likely it is that someone will take his unique perspective and
experiences to produce an elegant solution.

> Cut to frontal shot of Penny Marshall speaking to boy.
> Ms. Marshall:  Everything's about timing kid.

The Internet was the great catalyst of the Free Software development
model.  We had to wait until the Internet hit critical mass before we
started seeing the Free Software movement grow on an exponential
scale.  The future is open; contribute, and be patient.

> Cut to side shot of businessman speaking to boy.
> CEO:   This is business. Faster. Better. Cheaper. Constant
> improvement.

GNU/Linux is very compatible with business.  Business is, after all,
people offering their time, talents, and products to others in
exchange for their time, talents, and products.  If you can do your
job faster, better, and cheaper, then you have more to offer people.
They can get their jobs done with less money, which they can use to
spend somewhere else.  Everyone benefits because of it.  Constant

> Cut to camera panning overhead, then to Pilot speaking to boy.
> Pilot:              So, you wanna fly, huh? Wind speed, thrust, its physics.

The best principles of computer science and engineering find their way
into Free Software.  This is one of the first times in history that
enterprise-class source code has been freely available to academia.
Any student who wants to learn about filesystems, scheduling, memory
management, GUI's, networking, or any other subject need only browse
lxr.linux.no to get a complete picture of exactly how it can be done
in a real production-class operating system.

> Latin Teacher:          Res publica non dominetur.

"The republic will not be dominated," or, "The republic must not be

This has roots in the concept espoused by ``The Cathedral and the
Bazaar.''  Free Software is not a tyranny.  Nobody stands on high,
dictating mandates to the hapless underlings who busily go about as
they are told.  Free Software is formed on the principle of popular
consent.  Ideas (and code) must be presented to a forum, and the
members of the forum must agree that what is presented is best for the
project and for the community.  If the project maintainers go against
the will of the majority, then the project is forked and the majority
goes with it.

Software developers at IBM have to tango with everyone else in the
community.  There is no magical property of patches that come from the
Linux Technology Center that makes them any more likely to be
accepted; we have to live up to Free Software standards.  The code has
to be clean, extensible, and well documented; the implementation has
to be efficient.  The quality has to be top-notch.  And the concept
has to make sense in the context of the rest of the project.

In the end, the will of the people will win out.  If people demand
a Free Software community, it will exist, and it will persevere.

> Cut to plumber speaking to boy.
> Plumber:       Plumbing, its all about the tools.

Back to the ``tool'' theme...

> Cut to Muhammad Ali.
> Ali:   Speak your mind. Don't back down.

Wherever you have change, wherever you have progress, you will
naturally have opposition.  The Free Software movement threatens those
who do not understand it or cannot adapt to it.  The community must
not be bullied by those who would try to destroy it.  Be vocal about
your support of Free Software and stand firm in its principles.

> Cut to camera panning over boys head into white.
> Female Voice:       Does he have a name?
> Male Voice:         His name is Linux.
> Titles:                     LINUX
>                     THE FUTURE IS OPEN
>                     IBM

Hoarding makes for a weaker economy and a poorer society.  All boats
rise with the tide - human knowledge and inspiration must be shared to
be of value to us.  Free Software provides an ideal mechanism for
doing so.


The opinions expressed here are my own, and not necessarily those of
my employer.
                           Michael A. Halcrow                        
        Security Software Engineer, IBM Linux Technology Center       
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"To prohibit sharing software is to cut the bonds of society."       
 - Richard Stallman 

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