I don't know if this is a uWSGI issue or not, but I have not received
any help on the django list.

I have a django 1.9 set up - RHEL 6, python 2,7, nginx, uWSGI. When I
try an access a URL, the django view is called, but the request object
is empty - this is all it has:

<WSGIRequest: GET '/'>

This prevents the app from working at all. There is nothing at all in
the uWSGI  or nginx logs.

My only other experience with django is 1.5 on Centos with apache and
WSGI, and in that system the request object is full populated, e.g.:

GET:<QueryDict: {}>,
POST:<QueryDict: {}>,

Anyone have a clue as to what could be wrong or how I can debug this?
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