
I am trying to pass a function pointer through a string pipe and recover it 
on the other end. It seems that if serialization to a string is possible 
and I can deserizalize the string in C++ to a v8::Object or a v8::Function, 
it would be invoked or assigned to a JS property value.


Given that we have executed the following script and captured the value of 
variable W in C++:

var W = function(){ console.log('blah'); /* this may be a native function 
too */ };
var C = {};

I would like to serialize the value of W variable and later on, when I am 
still sure that referred functions/context exist, I would like to 
deserialize the data into C.W2 and invoke C.W2 from javascript.

W2 should point to the same function as W after deserialization.



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