On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 11:55 PM, Niklas Voss <niklas.v...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...] Are persistent values bound to isotopes? And if, how can I pass an
> arbitrary value handle to another isotope/thread?

Everything created in one Isolate is tied to that Isolate and using it
somehow in another Isolate is wrong. The whole point of Isolates is, well,
isolation of different VMs. The only thing you can pass between Isolates is
a bunch of bytes with no special meaning to the involved VMs. This implies
that if e.g. you want to pass some object structures between Isolates, you
have to serialized/deserialize them to/from a bunch of bytes. And of course
you have to make sure to get the ownership of this bunch of bytes right,
which normally means copying. You can play some tricks with the backing
store of typed arrays, but you should better know what you're doing there.

Complicated? Yes... :-)

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