On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Hugh Fitzpatrick
<hugh.fitzpatr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For instance - I cannot access  console.log(..)  or use require.
>  ... Any thoughts on getting these to work ?   Can I combine *many* JS files
> in a snapshot ?

You can't use node.js specific code in snapshot creation.

I'm not sure about deserialization; certainly not at deserialization
time itself because any node.js specific logic won't have been
installed yet.

Functions exported by the snapshot in theory should be able to call
`console.log` (`console` is a global object that can be lazily
resolved) but IIRC, there are some restrictions on scope lookup in
serialized code that may prohibit that.

require() won't work, it's not a global and snapshot code doesn't run
in module context.

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