On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:00 PM, <spaesani.cons...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On a final note I just did a search and read what a  "googler" is.
> Would have been nice to know v8 compilation isn't intended for non google
> employees.

That's not true. Many non-Google-employees are compiling V8 regularly, and
that's absolutely intended. That's why we have public documentation
explaining how to do it. And why we helped you.

The only detail where it even makes a difference is that we can't
redistribute the Microsoft toolchain for licensing reasons, so downloading
that through gclient unfortunately has to be an internal-only feature
(which happens to be on by default). As has been explained before, set
DEPOT_TOOLS_WIN_TOOLCHAIN=0 is all you have to do to turn it off. Note that
this only affects Windows developers, which is a relatively rare case; on
Linux and Mac there is no difference between internal and public build

Please think twice before calling people who are helping you "hostile".

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