
I have embedded v8 into a project for the company I work for, and during 
some stress tests, I've encountered a weird out-of-memory error. After 
considerable investigation, I still have no idea of what might be going on, 
so I'm reaching out to you in hope of some insight.

So here is a summary of the scenario: in each test iteration, I create an 
Isolate, run some short JS code fragments, and then destroy the isolate. 
After the execution of each code fragment, I perform some variable 
manipulations from my C++ code using V8's API, prior to running the next 
fragment. I repeat thousands of such iterations over the same input (it's 
valid), and I expect no memory leaks and no crashes. However, after about 3 
hours, V8 crashes with an out-of-memory error of no apparent reason.

I have run the code though valgrind and using address sanitizing, and no 
memory leaks were detected. Additionally, I monitor memory consumption 
throughout the test; the program's memory usage is stable, without any 
peak, and when V8 crashes the system has a lot of available memory (more 
than 5 Gib). I have used V8's API to get heap usage statistics after each 
successful iteration; the values are always the same, and are shown below 
(they are included in an attached file, typical_memory.txt):

ScriptEngine::Run: finished running at 2017-05-05T13:20:34
  used_heap_size       : 46.9189 Mib
  total_heap_size      : 66.1562 Mib
  Space 0
    name               : new_space
    size               : 8 Mib
    used_size          : 2.47314 Mib
    available_size     : 5.39404 Mib
  Space 1
    name               : old_space
    size               : 39.5625 Mib
    used_size          : 31.6393 Mib
    available_size     : 5.51526 Mib
  Space 2
    name               : code_space
    size               : 10.4375 Mib
    used_size          : 6.16919 Mib
    available_size     : 0 B
  Space 3
    name               : map_space
    size               : 8.15625 Mib
    used_size          : 6.63733 Mib
    available_size     : 80 B
  Space 4
    name               : large_object_space
    size               : 0 B
    used_size          : 0 B
    available_size     : 11.1015 Gib

When V8 crashes, it prints a heap summary, which I'm sending attached (file 
heap_after_error.txt). I also save a core dump. Sometimes, the system 
crashes during the creation of an Isolate; sometimes, during the creation 
of a Context; typically, it crashes during snapshot deserialization. 
However, the top of the stack is always the same, and it's reproduced below 
(also included attached, file stacktrace.txt).

#7  v8::internal::OS::Abort () at 
#8  0x00007ff15a2f922f in v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure 
(location=0x7ff15b20f62e "Committing semi space failed.", 
is_heap_oom=false) at ../../src/api.cc:381
#9  0x00007ff15a2f918e in v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory 
(location=0x7ff15b20f62e "Committing semi space failed.", 
is_heap_oom=false) at ../../src/api.cc:352
#10 0x00007ff15aa3fefc in v8::internal::Heap::EnsureFromSpaceIsCommitted 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1234
#11 0x00007ff15aa3ed34 in v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, collector=v8::internal::MARK_COMPACTOR,
    gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1308
#12 0x00007ff15aa3e2ab in v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, collector=v8::internal::MARK_COMPACTOR,
collector_reason=0x7ff15b20f07a "GC in old space requested",
    gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1002
#13 0x00007ff15a33cdee in v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, space=v8::internal::OLD_SPACE,
callbackFlags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap-inl.h:681
#14 0x00007ff15aa3d069 in v8::internal::Heap::CollectAllGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, flags=2,
gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:848
#15 0x00007ff15aa3fe84 in v8::internal::Heap::ReserveSpace 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, reservations=0x7ff148fe6078, maps=0x7ff148fe60f8) at 

In the heap summary that gets printed, I have noted some apparent 
discrepancies with the typical data I get from the API (shown above): for 
example, the summary says the size of the old space is 4067328 bytes (= 
3.88 Mib), not the typical 39.56 Mib I get from the API.

I have dived into V8 garbage collection, but still couldn't make sense of 
the error message ("Committing semi space failed"). So, I'd like to know 
under which circumstances this error can happen, and how it's possible that 
it only happens occasionally, given that each test iteration is identical 
to the others and there is no detectable memory leaks.

If you need more information, please tell me, and I'll be glad to provide 

Thank you very much in advance.

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>>>>>> =============== Before GC (1) =============== >>>>>>
old_generation_allocation_limit_ 734003200

Number of handles : 1240
Global Handle Statistics:
  allocated memory = 0B
  # weak       = 0
  # pending    = 0
  # near_death = 0
  # free       = 0
  # total      = 0

Heap statistics :   capacity: 1501560832 , used: 9961472, available: %99

To space :   capacity: 1048576, available: 792760, %75

  Object Histogram:
    ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE                     215 (      7824 bytes)
    EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE             21 (       840 bytes)
    FOREIGN_TYPE                             282 (      4512 bytes)
    FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE                         844 (    199736 bytes)
    JS_GLOBAL_PROXY_TYPE                      22 (       880 bytes)
    JS_API_OBJECT_TYPE                       132 (      4144 bytes)
    JS_OBJECT_TYPE                           255 (     12480 bytes)
    JS_ARRAY_TYPE                             18 (       576 bytes)
    JS_FUNCTION_TYPE                          21 (      1512 bytes)

Old space :   capacity: 4067328, waste: 0, available: 651328, %16

  Object Histogram:
    ONE_BYTE_INTERNALIZED_STRING_TYPE        988 (     38936 bytes)
    ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE                    1058 (    119560 bytes)
    CONS_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE                 10 (       400 bytes)
    SHORT_EXTERNAL_ONE_BYTE_STRING_TYPE       18 (       576 bytes)
    SYMBOL_TYPE                               53 (      1696 bytes)
    HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE                          23 (       368 bytes)
    ODDBALL_TYPE                              12 (       576 bytes)
    FOREIGN_TYPE                             165 (      2640 bytes)
    BYTE_ARRAY_TYPE                         1216 (     49896 bytes)
    FIXED_INT8_ARRAY_TYPE                      1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_UINT8_ARRAY_TYPE                     1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_INT16_ARRAY_TYPE                     1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_UINT16_ARRAY_TYPE                    1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_INT32_ARRAY_TYPE                     1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_UINT32_ARRAY_TYPE                    1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_FLOAT32_ARRAY_TYPE                   1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_FLOAT64_ARRAY_TYPE                   1 (        32 bytes)
    FIXED_UINT8_CLAMPED_ARRAY_TYPE             1 (        32 bytes)
    ACCESSOR_INFO_TYPE                       105 (      6720 bytes)
    ACCESSOR_PAIR_TYPE                       987 (     23688 bytes)
    CALL_HANDLER_INFO_TYPE                    57 (      1824 bytes)
    FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPE              122 (     19520 bytes)
    OBJECT_TEMPLATE_INFO_TYPE                 65 (      4160 bytes)
    ALLOCATION_SITE_TYPE                     105 (      5880 bytes)
    SCRIPT_TYPE                               27 (      3456 bytes)
    TYPE_FEEDBACK_INFO_TYPE                    8 (       256 bytes)
    FIXED_ARRAY_TYPE                        7412 (   1690296 bytes)
    SHARED_FUNCTION_INFO_TYPE                883 (    141280 bytes)
    CELL_TYPE                                 76 (      1216 bytes)
    WEAK_CELL_TYPE                          4185 (    100440 bytes)
    TRANSITION_ARRAY_TYPE                    231 (     15624 bytes)
    PROPERTY_CELL_TYPE                      2199 (     70368 bytes)
    PROTOTYPE_INFO_TYPE                      105 (      5880 bytes)
    JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_TYPE                     42 (      1680 bytes)
    JS_VALUE_TYPE                             63 (      2016 bytes)
    JS_OBJECT_TYPE                          1365 (     65520 bytes)
    JS_ARRAY_TYPE                             42 (      1344 bytes)
    JS_MAP_TYPE                               21 (       672 bytes)
    JS_FUNCTION_TYPE                       14389 (   1036008 bytes)

    STRING_TYPE                             2074 (    159472 bytes)

Code space :   capacity: 1306624, waste: 0, available: 0, %0

  Object Histogram:
    CODE_TYPE                               1105 (    805120 bytes)

Map space :   capacity: 1042944, waste: 0, available: 80, %0

  Object Histogram:
    MAP_TYPE                                7935 (    698280 bytes)

Large object space :   size: 0
  number of objects 0, size of objects 0
>>>>>> ========================================= >>>>>>

<--- Last few GCs --->

<--- JS stacktrace --->

#7  v8::internal::OS::Abort () at ../../src/base/platform/platform-posix.cc:230
#8  0x00007ff15a2f922f in v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure (location=0x7ff15b20f62e 
"Committing semi space failed.", is_heap_oom=false) at ../../src/api.cc:381
#9  0x00007ff15a2f918e in v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory 
(location=0x7ff15b20f62e "Committing semi space failed.", is_heap_oom=false) at 
#10 0x00007ff15aa3fefc in v8::internal::Heap::EnsureFromSpaceIsCommitted 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1234
#11 0x00007ff15aa3ed34 in v8::internal::Heap::PerformGarbageCollection 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, collector=v8::internal::MARK_COMPACTOR,
    gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1308
#12 0x00007ff15aa3e2ab in v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, collector=v8::internal::MARK_COMPACTOR,
collector_reason=0x7ff15b20f07a "GC in old space requested",
    gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:1002
#13 0x00007ff15a33cdee in v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, space=v8::internal::OLD_SPACE,
callbackFlags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap-inl.h:681
#14 0x00007ff15aa3d069 in v8::internal::Heap::CollectAllGarbage 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, flags=2,
gc_callback_flags=v8::kNoGCCallbackFlags) at ../../src/heap/heap.cc:848
#15 0x00007ff15aa3fe84 in v8::internal::Heap::ReserveSpace 
(this=0x7ff12c0bdde0, reservations=0x7ff148fe6078, maps=0x7ff148fe60f8) at 
ScriptEngine::Run: finished running at 2017-05-05T13:20:34
  used_heap_size       : 46.9189 Mib
  total_heap_size      : 66.1562 Mib
  Space 0
    name               : new_space
    size               : 8 Mib
    used_size          : 2.47314 Mib
    available_size     : 5.39404 Mib
  Space 1
    name               : old_space
    size               : 39.5625 Mib
    used_size          : 31.6393 Mib
    available_size     : 5.51526 Mib
  Space 2
    name               : code_space
    size               : 10.4375 Mib
    used_size          : 6.16919 Mib
    available_size     : 0 B
  Space 3
    name               : map_space
    size               : 8.15625 Mib
    used_size          : 6.63733 Mib
    available_size     : 80 B
  Space 4
    name               : large_object_space
    size               : 0 B
    used_size          : 0 B
    available_size     : 11.1015 Gib

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