Ok, there is more details. This is simplified example without loops 

class Animal {
    this.done = 0

class Cat extends Animal {}

class Dog extends Animal {}
class Dog1 extends Animal {}
class Dog2 extends Animal {}
class Dog3 extends Animal {}

class AnimalCat {
    this.done = 0

function test(){
  var cat = new Cat();
  cat.doIt(); //warm
  cat.doIt(); //fast REX.W asm instruction for this.done read and write

  var dog = new Dog();
  dog.doIt(); //deopt - wrong map
  dog.doIt(); //the same but now added check for new hidden map - Dog

  var dog1 = new Dog1();
  dog1.doIt(); //deopt - wrong map
  dog1.doIt() //the same but now added one more check for new hidden map - 

  var dog2 = new Dog2();
  dog2.doIt(); //deopt - wrong map
  dog2.doIt() //the same but now added one more check for new hidden map - 

  var dog3 = new Dog3();
  dog3.doIt(); //deopt - wrong map
  dog3.doIt() //v8 gives up and compiles this.done to slow calls c++ 
runtime functions - LoadICTrampoline and StoreICStrictTrampoline


Running with latest node with arguments "node --trace-deopt 
--print-opt-code --allow-natives-syntax test.js" there will be output of 
asm instructions for each optimization of doIt() method. After first 
optimizations (with only Cat class invoking) I got

0x3e9869385180     0  55             push rbp
0x3e9869385181     1  4889e5         REX.W movq rbp,rsp
0x3e9869385184     4  56             push rsi
0x3e9869385185     5  57             push rdi
0x3e9869385186     6  493ba5480c0000 REX.W cmpq rsp,[r13+0xc48]
0x3e986938518d     d  0f863f000000   jna 0x3e98693851d2  <+0x52>
0x3e9869385193    13  488b4510       REX.W movq rax,[rbp+0x10]
0x3e9869385197    17  a801           test al,0x1
0x3e9869385199    19  0f844a000000   jz 0x3e98693851e9  <+0x69>
0x3e986938519f    1f  48bb9112642f9b320000 REX.W movq rbx,0x329b2f641291    
;; object: 0x329b2f641291 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
0x3e98693851a9    29  483958ff       REX.W cmpq [rax-0x1],rbx
0x3e98693851ad    2d  0f853b000000   jnz 0x3e98693851ee  <+0x6e>
0x3e98693851b3    33  8b581b         movl rbx,[rax+0x1b]
0x3e98693851b6    36  83ebff         subl rbx,0xff
0x3e98693851b9    39  0f8034000000   jo 0x3e98693851f3  <+0x73>
0x3e98693851bf    3f  48c1e320       REX.W shlq rbx, 32
0x3e98693851c3    43  48895817       REX.W movq [rax+0x17],rbx
0x3e98693851c7    47  498b45a0       REX.W movq rax,[r13-0x60]
0x3e98693851cb    4b  488be5         REX.W movq rsp,rbp
0x3e98693851ce    4e  5d             pop rbp
0x3e98693851cf    4f  c20800         ret 0x8

than after few deoptimizations for Dog2 class V8 compiles doIt() method to 

0x3e9869385540     0  55             push rbp
0x3e9869385541     1  4889e5         REX.W movq rbp,rsp
0x3e9869385544     4  56             push rsi
0x3e9869385545     5  57             push rdi
0x3e9869385546     6  493ba5480c0000 REX.W cmpq rsp,[r13+0xc48]
0x3e986938554d     d  0f867b000000   jna 0x3e98693855ce  <+0x8e>
0x3e9869385553    13  488b4510       REX.W movq rax,[rbp+0x10]
0x3e9869385557    17  a801           test al,0x1
0x3e9869385559    19  0f8489000000   jz 0x3e98693855e8  <+0xa8>
0x3e986938555f    1f  488b58ff       REX.W movq rbx,[rax-0x1]
0x3e9869385563    23  48ba9112642f9b320000 REX.W movq rdx,0x329b2f641291    
;; object: 0x329b2f641291 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
0x3e986938556d    2d  483bd3         REX.W cmpq rdx,rbx
0x3e9869385570    30  0f8439000000   jz 0x3e98693855af  <+0x6f>
0x3e9869385576    36  48ba4914642f9b320000 REX.W movq rdx,0x329b2f641449    
;; object: 0x329b2f641449 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
0x3e9869385580    40  483bd3         REX.W cmpq rdx,rbx
0x3e9869385583    43  0f8426000000   jz 0x3e98693855af  <+0x6f>
0x3e9869385589    49  48ba5115642f9b320000 REX.W movq rdx,0x329b2f641551    
;; object: 0x329b2f641551 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
0x3e9869385593    53  483bd3         REX.W cmpq rdx,rbx
0x3e9869385596    56  0f8413000000   jz 0x3e98693855af  <+0x6f>
0x3e986938559c    5c  48ba5916642f9b320000 REX.W movq rdx,0x329b2f641659    
;; object: 0x329b2f641659 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
0x3e98693855a6    66  483bd3         REX.W cmpq rdx,rbx
0x3e98693855a9    69  0f853e000000   jnz 0x3e98693855ed  <+0xad>
0x3e98693855af    6f  8b581b         movl rbx,[rax+0x1b]
0x3e98693855b2    72  83ebff         subl rbx,0xff
0x3e98693855b5    75  0f8037000000   jo 0x3e98693855f2  <+0xb2>
0x3e98693855bb    7b  48c1e320       REX.W shlq rbx, 32
0x3e98693855bf    7f  48895817       REX.W movq [rax+0x17],rbx
0x3e98693855c3    83  498b45a0       REX.W movq rax,[r13-0x60]
0x3e98693855c7    87  488be5         REX.W movq rsp,rbp
0x3e98693855ca    8a  5d             pop rbp
0x3e98693855cb    8b  c20800         ret 0x8

and on Dog3 class v8 gives up and compiles to this (with slow runtime calls 
LoadICTrampoline and StoreICStrictTrampoline)

0x3e98693856a0     0  55             push rbp
0x3e98693856a1     1  4889e5         REX.W movq rbp,rsp
0x3e98693856a4     4  56             push rsi
0x3e98693856a5     5  57             push rdi
0x3e98693856a6     6  493ba5480c0000 REX.W cmpq rsp,[r13+0xc48]
0x3e98693856ad     d  0f8669000000   jna 0x3e986938571c  <+0x7c>
0x3e98693856b3    13  488b75f8       REX.W movq rsi,[rbp-0x8]
0x3e98693856b7    17  48b80000000003000000 REX.W movq rax,0x300000000
0x3e98693856c1    21  488b5510       REX.W movq rdx,[rbp+0x10]
0x3e98693856c5    25  498b8dd0050000 REX.W movq rcx,[r13+0x5d0]
0x3e98693856cc    2c  488bd9         REX.W movq rbx,rcx
0x3e98693856cf    2f  e8acd2f4ff     call 0x3e98692d2980  
(LoadICTrampoline)    ;; code: LOAD_IC
0x3e98693856d4    34  a801           test al,0x1
0x3e98693856d6    36  0f8557000000   jnz 0x3e9869385733  <+0x93>
0x3e98693856dc    3c  488bd8         REX.W movq rbx,rax
0x3e98693856df    3f  48c1eb20       REX.W shrq rbx, 32
0x3e98693856e3    43  83ebff         subl rbx,0xff
0x3e98693856e6    46  0f804c000000   jo 0x3e9869385738  <+0x98>
0x3e98693856ec    4c  48c1e320       REX.W shlq rbx, 32
0x3e98693856f0    50  48bf0000000005000000 REX.W movq rdi,0x500000000
0x3e98693856fa    5a  488b5510       REX.W movq rdx,[rbp+0x10]
0x3e98693856fe    5e  498b8dd0050000 REX.W movq rcx,[r13+0x5d0]
0x3e9869385705    65  488bc3         REX.W movq rax,rbx
0x3e9869385708    68  488b75f8       REX.W movq rsi,[rbp-0x8]
0x3e986938570c    6c  e8af1af5ff     call 0x3e98692d71c0  
(StoreICStrictTrampoline)    ;; code: STORE_IC
0x3e9869385711    71  498b45a0       REX.W movq rax,[r13-0x60]
0x3e9869385715    75  488be5         REX.W movq rsp,rbp
0x3e9869385718    78  5d             pop rbp
0x3e9869385719    79  c20800         ret 0x8

So I suspect either there is a bug in v8 or v8 generally can't handle 
inheritance and subclassing and always will be compile to slow polymorphic 
access to this object in ancestors methods, thus "extends" keyword turns 
out as performance antipattern

On Sunday, September 24, 2017 at 7:33:35 AM UTC+3, Zac Hansen wrote:
> Microbenchmarks are infamously difficult to get right as often you're not 
> testing what you think you're testing.
> Are you sure the optimizer isn't just throwing away code in some cases, 
> since you're not actually doing any work with the `done` property?  
>  There's no reason that your code even has to run unless I'm reading it 
> wrong.  And it's not like C++ where you can look at the generated 
> instructions to see what the optimizer is doing..
> On Friday, September 22, 2017 at 9:24:00 PM UTC-7, B. Orlov wrote:
>> Take a look at commonly used in oop inheritance pattern for extending 
>> base class:
>> class Animal {
>>   constructor(){
>>     this.done = 0
>>   }
>>   doIt(){
>>     this.done++
>>   }
>> }
>> class Cat extends Animal {}
>> class Dog extends Animal {}
>> class Dog1 extends Animal {}
>> class Dog2 extends Animal {}
>> class Dog3 extends Animal {}
>> function testAnimal(animal){
>>   for(var i = 0; i < 100000; i++){
>>     animal.doIt();
>>   }
>> }
>> function test(){
>>   var cat = new Cat();
>>   testAnimal(cat)
>>   var dog = new Dog();
>>   testAnimal(dog)
>>   var dog1 = new Dog1();
>>   testAnimal(dog1)
>>   var dog2 = new Dog2();
>>   testAnimal(dog2)
>>   var dog3 = new Dog3();
>>   testAnimal(dog3)
>> }
>> test()
>> Running in latest node ( v8 version) I get the following 
>> results:
>> Invoking testAnimal function with first descendant class Cat, V8 does a 
>> great job by compiling to doIt() method and "this.done++" incrementation to 
>> REX.W asm instruction without any calls to slow-runtime c++ function for 
>> generic field access.Than, by invoking doIt() on second descendant class 
>> Dog, V8 fall down to doIt() method deoptimization (and all outer functions 
>> which also were inlined) and add few ams rew.x and one jz instruction to 
>> check hidden map for second Dog class. Than on invoking doIt() on each new 
>> subclass v8 again fall down to deoptimization and add new checks for new 
>> hidden map and finally on fourth descendant class Dog3 v8 give up and for 
>> "this.done++" goes to call LoadICTrampoline StoreICStrictTrampoline c++ 
>> runtime function for generic access. I hope its only bug and v8 can 
>> efficient deal with inheritance and accessing field without slow runtime 
>> generic filed access otherwise the big question came in - is "extend" 
>> keyword a performance antipattern and why v8 can't implement something like 
>> c++ v-table mechanism ?

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