Thank you!

Great help here. Amazing folks!

On Nov 17, 2017 6:21 PM, "J Decker" <> wrote:

> On Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 7:25 AM, Jean-Marc Le Roux <
>> wrote:
>> My assumption is that my test app terminates before the GC has a chance
>> to run.
>> To test this:
>>    - I run node with the --expose-gc option
>>    - I call global.gc() at the end of my test app
>> In this case, the destructor of my ObjectWrap is indeed called.
>> *So it seams the GC doesn't simply "collect everything" when the app
>> terminates.*
>> *Why is that?*
>> It sounds like a pretty bad things to do: some behaviors might expect the
>> destructor to be called in order to close a socket, etc...
> because all memory is released. when the app exits.  Why do extra work of
> minor side effects?
> but ya, if tf you were returning like a file to a handle and expected the
> close in order to flush all data out to a device it's bad...
> You can attach to Node::AtExit( ... )
> which should be called so you an finalize such things.
> but sockets get closed by the system when a application exits also.  and
> files are closed....
>> On Friday, November 17, 2017 at 10:27:22 AM UTC+1, Jean-Marc Le Roux
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the great help!
>>> I think it makes a lot of sense now.
>>> So I've extended ObjectWrap like so:
>>> class BSONObject : public node::ObjectWrap
>>>> {
>>>> private:
>>>>     bson_t* _bson;
>>>> public:
>>>>     BSONObject(bson_t* bson, Local<ObjectTemplate> tpl) :
>>>>         _bson(bson)
>>>>     {
>>>>         Local<Object> obj = tpl->NewInstance();
>>>>         initialize(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent(), obj, bson);
>>>>         Wrap(obj);
>>>>     }
>>>  ~BSONObject()
>>>>     {
>>>>         std::cout << "~BSONObject()" << std::endl;
>>>>         bson_destroy(_bson);
>>>>     }
>>>     static
>>>>     Local<ObjectTemplate>
>>>>     create_template(Isolate* isolate, const bson_t* document)
>>>>     {
>>>>         Local<ObjectTemplate> tpl = ObjectTemplate::New(isolate);
>>>>         tpl->SetInternalFieldCount(1);
>>> And the "insert" function that I expose in JS and that instanciates the
>>> BSONObject is written like this:
>>> void
>>>> insert(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args)
>>>> {
>>>>     Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
>>>>     db->insert(
>>>>         json_stringify(isolate, args[0]),
>>>>         [&args, isolate](const bson_t* document)
>>>>         {
>>>>             if (!args[1]->IsUndefined())
>>>>             {
>>>>                 Local<Function> callback =
>>>> Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]);
>>>>                 Local<Object> obj = Object::New(isolate);
>>>>                 *Local<Value> argv[] = { (new
>>>> BSONObject(bson_copy(document)))->handle(isolate) };*
>>>>                 callback->Call(isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(),
>>>> 1, argv);
>>>>             }
>>>>         }
>>>>     );
>>>> }
>>> It runs fine.
>>> But the destructor is never called (I never see "~BSONObject()" on
>>> stdout).
>>> Did I miss something?
>>> Thanks !
>>> 2017-11-16 22:01 GMT+01:00 J Decker <>:
>>>> You don't manage the instance, the v8 engine does.  When it's no longer
>>>> referenced in the engine, it's garbage collected which triggers the
>>>> callback set when the perisstent object is made weak.
>>>> You don't need to keep it anywhere, the object returned into the engine
>>>> has Internal Fields ( SetInternalFieldCount(1) ) which is used to point to
>>>> your native class instance.   So when the callback is called, it knows what
>>>> to call to destruct it.
>>>> You have to 'keep it' in the javascript scrpit if you want to keep it,
>>>> it's not 'kept' in the native code...
>>>> --- This is some code I've done that uses setweak directly; but it's
>>>> fairly scattered....
>>>> You can create an instance of your wrapped object with
>>>> Local<Function> cons = Local<Function>::New( isolate, constructor );
>>>>     cons->NewInstance( isolate->GetCurrentContext(), argc, argv
>>>> ).ToLocalChecked() ;
>>>> Hmm that's not the best example source...
>>>> This creates a buffer, and makes it weak...
>>>> Local<Object> arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer::New( isolate, buf, len );
>>>> PARRAY_BUFFER_HOLDER holder = GetHolder();
>>>> holder->o.Reset( isolate, arrayBuffer );
>>>> holder->o.SetWeak<ARRAY_BUFFER_HOLDER>( holder, releaseBuffer,
>>>> WeakCallbackType::kParameter );
>>>> holder->buffer = buf;
>>>> PARRAY_BUFFER_HOLDER is just a type that holds the thing to be free (or
>>>> object containing things to be released), and the persistent reference that
>>>> has been made weak...
>>>> struct arrayBufferHolder {
>>>> void *buffer;
>>>> Persistent<Object> o;
>>>> };
>>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 9:56 AM, Jean-Marc Le Roux <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Node offers a C++ Clss extention ObjectWrap
>>>>> Thanks !
>>>>> It is related to node. Yet I'm not sure how I'm supposed to use
>>>>> ObjectWrap.
>>>>> I understand I have to create my own class that extends ObjectWrap and
>>>>> implement a proper destructor.
>>>>> Then I'll instanciate that class to wrap my Local<Object>. But how do
>>>>> I manage such instance?
>>>>> If I don't keep it somewhere, it will be destructed.
>>>>> If I keep it around, then I'm keeping references to potentially
>>>>> deallocated memory.
>>>>> It feels like I end up with the same problem...
>>>>> 2017-11-16 18:36 GMT+01:00 J Decker <>:
>>>>>> On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 1:24 AM, Jean-Marc Le Roux <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> I assume you're storing references to the objects as Persistent?
>>>>>>> Nope. You've got the whole code up there.
>>>>>>> So if I understand correctly:
>>>>>>>    - the objects I need to keep track of the lifecycle should be
>>>>>>>    made Persistent ;
>>>>>>>    - all the other values can be set as Local ;
>>>>>>>    - I should set the weak callback using MakeWeak ;
>>>>>>>    - callback will be called when such object is GCed and I can
>>>>>>>    free my C/C++ memory then.
>>>>>>> Is that correct ?
>>>>>> Yes.  I sthis perhaps related to Node?
>>>>>> Node offers a C++ Clss extention ObjectWrap
>>>>>> which simplifies that whole process... when the object is GC'd the
>>>>>> class destructor will get called so you can release values there.
>>>>>>> 2017-11-15 19:50 GMT+01:00 J Decker <>:
>>>>>>>> I assume you're storing references to the objects as Persistent?
>>>>>>>> All you need to do then is call SetWeak() https://v8docs.nodes
>>>>>>>> void MakeWeak (void *parameters, WeakReferenceCallback callback)
>>>>>>>> the callback is called when the object is GC'd.
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 8:37 AM, Jean-Marc Le Roux <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> So I've found a solution to make things lazy: I set an accessor
>>>>>>>>> instead of decoding/setting the actual value.
>>>>>>>>> void
>>>>>>>>> getter(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>&
>>>>>>>>> info)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>     Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
>>>>>>>>>       const bson_t* document = reinterpret_cast<bson_t*>(
>>>>>>>>>         info.This()
>>>>>>>>>             ->Get(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate,
>>>>>>>>> "__bson_document_ptr"))
>>>>>>>>>             ->ToInt32()->Value()
>>>>>>>>>     );
>>>>>>>>>     char key[255];
>>>>>>>>>     property->ToString(isolate)->WriteUtf8(key, 255);
>>>>>>>>>     bson_iter_t iter;
>>>>>>>>>     bson_iter_init(&iter, document);
>>>>>>>>>     // FIXME: index the property so we don't have to find it
>>>>>>>>>     bson_iter_find(&iter, key);
>>>>>>>>>     // FIXME: replace the accessor with the deserialized value
>>>>>>>>>     info.GetReturnValue().Set(iterator_to_value(isolate, &iter));
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> Local<Value>
>>>>>>>>> fill_object(Isolate* isolate, Local<Object>& obj, const bson_t*
>>>>>>>>> document)
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>     obj->Set(
>>>>>>>>>         String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "__bson_document_ptr"),
>>>>>>>>>         Int32::New(isolate, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(document))
>>>>>>>>>     );
>>>>>>>>>     bson_iter_t iter;
>>>>>>>>>     if (bson_iter_init(&iter, document))
>>>>>>>>>     {
>>>>>>>>>         while (bson_iter_next(&iter))
>>>>>>>>>         {
>>>>>>>>>             const char* key = bson_iter_key(&iter);
>>>>>>>>>                         if (!obj->Has(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate,
>>>>>>>>> key)))
>>>>>>>>>             {
>>>>>>>>>                 obj->SetAccessor(
>>>>>>>>>                     isolate->GetCurrentContext(),
>>>>>>>>>                     String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, key),
>>>>>>>>>                     &getter
>>>>>>>>>                 );
>>>>>>>>>             }
>>>>>>>>>                 }
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> The secret sauce is to :
>>>>>>>>>    - keep the original data (the bson_t) allocated
>>>>>>>>>    - store the corresponding pointer in a v8::Object
>>>>>>>>> But now I have a memory leak because those pointers will never be
>>>>>>>>> freed.
>>>>>>>>> How can I know when the Object will be disposed by the GC?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> --
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