> For example, on 64-bit platforms, V8 requires all executable memory to be 
within a 2GB section of address space so that calls can use 32-bit offsets, 
so it reserves that amount of address space on initialization (which is a 
very cheap operation), whereas actual memory is allocated later as needed.

I think we are talking about the same thing - reserved vs. committed memory 
and I was suggesting that if v8 knows its memory limits upfront, I thought 
it could reserve memory up to the upper limit it may need in the future. As 
I'm writing this, however, I realized that memory limits are set 
per-isolate and any number of isolates can be allocated at run time, which 
would explain a large chunk of memory v8 reserves upfront. Makes sense. 
Thanks for clarifying. 

Ben, Jakon, thanks a lot for the feedback. It is much appreciated. I will 
post an update here after I work with this configuration a bit. 

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