On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 7:36 PM,  <jer...@fly.io> wrote:
> I've been wondering if it's possible to concurrently use v8::Locker.
> I'm binding to v8 from a single-threaded language that uses fibers for
> concurrency (Crystal.) Since it's a single thread, v8::Locker is always
> instantly available.
> This seems fine, the bigger issue if with Context::Scope.
> I'm concurrently entering and exiting the same context from multiple fibers
> and I keep stumbling upon:
> #
> # Fatal error in v8::Context::Exit()
> # Cannot exit non-entered context
> #
> Which came to make sense to me. I'm passing around a pointer to a
> Persistent<Context>. In the function I concurrently access, I'm getting the
> Local from it (with the isolate) and creating a Context::Scope. The same
> Local<Context> might be exited more than once. I expect Enter is a noop if
> the Context has already been entered.

It isn't.  Enter() and Exit() calls need to match up.

> My fix was to use a fiber-safe mutex to only allow one isolate locking and
> context scoping at any given time.
> Is this normal? Any way around it?

You may want to take a look at node-fibers.  It uses a thread-local
storage hack to trick V8 into supporting fibers.


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