What is the proper way to do this function? I just can't get it to work.

My code:
const char * exec_path = "C:\\Users\\Joe Smack\\Documents\\Visual Studio 
2017\\Projects\\v8 console test\\v8 console test";
const char * icu_data_file = "icudtl.dat";
V8::InitializeICUDefaultLocation(exec_path, icu_data_file);

This code is giving me an exception in the function InitializeICU (called 
from InitializeICUDefaultLocation) when it gets to FILE* inf = 
fopen(icu_data_file, "rb"); (line 95)
The debugger says icu_data_file = icudtl.dat

i copied icudtl.dat to the project directory from v8 directory. Any help is 
greatly appreciated.

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