Ah, looks like we can follow existing map transitions without entering
ic.cc code.
Adding --nolazy-feedback-allocation should disable that.

On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 9:02 PM Filip Petronijevic <
fpetronijevic661...@raf.rs> wrote:

> Thank you for the reply. I have one very weird problem (not sure if its a
> bug).
> I ran Chromium with arguments you told me and args.gn setup and when I
> run this code
> var obj143 = {};
> obj143["test"] = {test: 1, test2: 2, test3: 3};
> var obj221 = {};
> obj221["test"] = {test3: 14, test5: 23, test6: 322222};
> var obj343 = {};
> obj343["test"] = "test13"
> For some weird reason the third "test" never gets printed and it never
> enters  StoreIC::Store() function nor Object::SetProperty. What is the
> reason for this? I print all keys that ever come in but third one never
> enters for some reason. I also hooked into SetProperty hoping it will go in
> there but it never does. Is there any other function I can hook where I can
> have a guarantee all property sets will go through?
> On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 2:49:09 PM UTC+1 Jakob Kummerow wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 1:15 PM Filip Petronijevic <fpetronij...@raf.rs>
>> wrote:
>>> I treced down 'job' macro from tools/gdbinit and I found out it calls in
>>> the end
>>> https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/src/objects/objects.h;drc=a0dedabb214a245c792009e64baf333c7e8d7357;l=679
>>> which is shortPrint. This still doesn't show me all level depths of an
>>> object but rather first levels of representation and their
>>> corresponding addresses.
>> Yes.
>>> Do I have to manually go in these recursive depths or is there any
>>> better way like to Stringify it? I'm trying to Stringify this *value *object
>>> located in
>>> https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/src/ic/ic.cc;l=1847;bpv=1;bpt=0?q=ic.cc&ss=chromium%2Fchromium%2Fsrc:v8%2F
>>> but I have hard times converting it to a String
>> I don't know of a JSON.stringify equivalent for use in GDB. As I said,
>> I'd inspect objects manually, level by level. If you find that you're
>> spending too much time doing that, you could build your own tooling, e.g. a
>> function that has a similar entry point as _v8_internal_Print_Object and
>> internally wraps JsonStringify() and printf()s the result to stdout.
>>> On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 12:26 PM Jakob Kummerow <jkum...@chromium.org>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks! I found this StoreIC::Store() function just yesterday while
>>>>> debugging in D8 and it works even without (--nouse-ic flag), even though I
>>>>> have no clue what this flag does as I can't find it in docs. But this
>>>>> tracks all of the keys and objects created.
>>>> No, it won't catch all of them without the flag, but if it catches the
>>>> ones you care about, that's good enough.
>>>>> The main problem now is the following line of code in StoreIC::Store()
>>>>> function (
>>>>> https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/src/ic/ic.cc;l=1847;bpv=1;bpt=0?q=ic.cc&ss=chromium%2Fchromium%2Fsrc:v8%2F
>>>>> )
>>>>> When I cast this object (value) into JSObject and do shortPrint or
>>>>> PrintProperties() it doesn't take in account all properties if for example
>>>>> its recursive object like this test: {test1: { test2: "testhelloworld" } }
>>>>> but rather it prints just test and gives memory lolcation to test1. I can
>>>>> obviously recursively do this, but is there any prittier way of doing this
>>>>> like via some JSON stringify function?
>>>> I'd just inspect objects manually, using the `job` macro from
>>>> tools/gdbinit.
>>>>> I found such JSON stringify function here
>>>>> https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:v8/src/json/json-stringifier.h;bpv=1;bpt=0
>>>>> but I have very hard trouble in passing arguments to this function and
>>>>> printing String out of it as it return MaybeHandle object. Any help here
>>>>> would be appreciated.
>>>> Appending `.ToHandleChecked()` may be of use here (if the
>>>> stringification doesn't throw), but yeah, invoking such functions in GDB
>>>> tends to not work.
>>>>> On Friday, November 11, 2022 at 11:47:33 AM UTC+1 Jakob Kummerow wrote:
>>>>>> Maps don't keep lists of the objects that use them. To find all
>>>>>> objects that use a given map, you'd have to walk the entire heap to find
>>>>>> all objects, and filter them by map.
>>>>>> Considering your previous question, I'm not sure finding all objects
>>>>>> that use a given map will actually be helpful. A possible way to 
>>>>>> intercept
>>>>>> creation of properties with a given name (e.g. "mainkey") would be to run
>>>>>> with `--nouse-ic` and put a breakpoint on StoreIC::Store(). This is
>>>>>> (obviously?) not an officially supported feature, and I haven't tried it,
>>>>>> so you may encounter obstacles or limitations of the approach, but it 
>>>>>> might
>>>>>> at least get you a little further.
>>>>>> I guess you'd need this in Chrome, not just d8, so the full workflow
>>>>>> is:
>>>>>> - build a Debug build of Chrome. Be sure to set v8_optimized_debug =
>>>>>> false in args.gn beforehand.
>>>>>> - run with each renderer in a debugger: out/debug/chrome
>>>>>> --no-sandbox --disable-hang-monitor --disable-extensions
>>>>>> --js-flags="--nouse-ic" --renderer-cmd-prefix="xterm -e gdb -args"
>>>>>> - bring a large amount of patience to both of these steps, and have
>>>>>> enough RAM in your machine (64GB is good, dunno if 32GB is enough)
>>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 3:19 PM Filip Petronijevic <
>>>>>> fpetronij...@raf.rs> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ok, I'll explain what problem I have and if there is any way of
>>>>>>> solving it.
>>>>>>> Imagine I have following Javascript code:
>>>>>>> var obj1=  {}
>>>>>>> obj1["mainkey"] = {canvasComputed: "oewrewqioewrerqewjoijiqerw",
>>>>>>> todata: "somerandomdata"}
>>>>>>> var obj2=  {}
>>>>>>> obj2["mainkey"] = "some big string"
>>>>>>> var obj3 = {}
>>>>>>> obj3['mainkey'] = {test: {test1:"somestring"}, test2: 3432}
>>>>>>> I have 3 objects, they all share same Map. My question is if I know
>>>>>>> what memory space this Map has, If I can use that to recursively find 
>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>> property values of all objects that share that same Map? In this case to
>>>>>>> list obj1's property values (canvasComputed, toData), obj2 property 
>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>> (1 string) and obj3  property   values(test object along with string 
>>>>>>> test2)
>>>>>>> ?
>>>>>>> Or the only way I can list own properties of these objects is if I
>>>>>>> know exact memory location of each of them? Is there any way I could
>>>>>>> traverse from their Map or something they share in common (only mainkey
>>>>>>> key) and use this fact to find all property values that hold mainkey as 
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>> key?
>>>>>>> When I do %DebugPrint(obj1) I can see its property values and that
>>>>>>> this object shares same map as other objects, but I'm trying to find a 
>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>> to generalize this by starting from some common memory slot they all 
>>>>>>> share
>>>>>>> and traverse up recursively or whatever to get all property values?
>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>> --
>>>> --
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