At 11:46 AM 3/22/01 -0800, Kimm Flatt wrote:
 >FRAME:  Replace the frame with Titanium.  Very strong, extremely light
 >weight. (You'll need to run your drills slower, because of excess heat.)
         I was (am) under the impression that Airstream frames were built 
of a stronger steel that most SOBs- I know that drilling my old '75 frame 
was quite a chore, whereas normal trailers drill fairly easily.
         IMHO- one of the best frames being built today is the Al-Ko frame, 
they have a website  but it seems to be down at the 
moment. This is a galvanized frame with holes cut into the web (thanks, Dr. 
J), and seems to have a high strength to weight ratio- mI have a hunch that 
Wally would be using something like this (if not more advance) today.

 >FLOOR:  Boeing 777 floors are a carbon fiber top/bottom with an aluminum
 >honey comb inside.  A 4x8 sheet is only $800. but it is SO SO light, and
 >virtually unbreakable.

         A couple of years ago, Shadow Cruise bought a patent for a 
composite carbon fiber construction method for building TTs- but shortly 
after that, they went bankrupt. I never did get any specifics about the 
technique, but it sounded fascinating.


         Chris Bryant
         Bryant RV Services
         DeLand, Florida
         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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