I have a Windows 8.1 machine. I have installed Vagrant and VirtualBox. If I 
start an Ubuntu VM (ubuntu/trusty32) up using VirtualBox it seems to start 
fine. I can then use the following command to connect:

    > vagrant ssh

However, if I instead use Vagrant to start the VM, it times out. The 
command I use is:

    > vagrant up

When this times out, I use VirtualBox to connect to the VM, and I see the 
following issues:

    waiting for network device
    gave up waiting for network device
    route info failed

    waiting for network configuration
    booting system without full Network Configuration

This to me, looks like a problem with my Vagrant configuration setup for 
the network. However, I use the basic config file from using:

    > vagrant init ubuntu/trusty32

I have the following network config on my Windows machine:

    Ethernet - using (static)
    WiFi     - disabled

The network set up seems identical when I run showvminfo from VBoxManage. 
However, if I log into the Ubuntu VM, and run "ifconfig -a" the VM that is 
started with Vagrant is missing the following line:

    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:

Any ideas? Network issues are not my strong point.

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