ive had a similar problem on libvirt when extra disks were added. disabling 
"predictable" network interfaces fixed the issue, going back to ethN 

when building the base box, add "net.ifnames=0" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in 
that distros grub.conf, for example, /etc/default/grub in ubuntu, and dont 
forget to update-grub.

On Tuesday, July 25, 2017 at 9:28:18 AM UTC-7, IL Dave wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm using vagrant 1.9.7 with virtualbox 5.1.24 on Linux ( both Ubuntu 
> 16.04 and RHEL 5 )
> My problem is that when I adding new a "private_network" ip (hostonly) 
> vagrant configure the wrong interface.
> After creating vm vagrant add a new Adapter2 (hostonly) added after 
> Adapter1 (NAT with portforward 2222 -> 22)
> When the VM coming up I have two interfaces :
> enp0s8 and enp0s17
> Vagrant configure the private_network ip on enp0s17 that refers to the 
> Adapter1 (NAT) (viewing MAC-ADDRESS)  instead enp0s8 that refers to 
> Adapter2.
> After that vagrant can't comunicate with the VM and hang at:
> ==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
> I'm using my own centos7 template.
> I think the problem is my centos invert the order of the interface but I 
> don't know why this happen and how to avoid this behaviour.
> Vagrant should knows what is the NAT interface because run the following 
> command :
> "/usr/bin/VBoxManage", "modifyvm", "415a19e2-6e61-4ae0-ba78-b8fd0a733b81", 
> "--macaddress1", "08002720707C"
> but when it creates configuration file use the interface order instead 
> verify the mac on the interface
> Do you know a way how to solve this issue ?
> Thank you

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