Hi there,

I am not sure if this group would be the right one to post this ... however 
I will start here before posting something on GitHub as I am uncertain 
where one would ask for support for Vagrantcloud (we have a paid plan, etc 
but where to find support is unclear to me, as a paying customer). Maybe 
that'd be the first question :)

Second: I have created a new revision and released it of a private box that 
we use as our SOE base for devs. We have two providers we care about for 
vagrant, virtualbox and vmware. Both are created via packer in Atlas and 
published using a post-processor. I can see the boxes via the web UI on 
vagrant cloud, I can see that vagrant sees the latest version when I do 
`vagrant box add ... ` ... however, all my colleagues and myself are 

==> box: Adding box 'waysact/trusty64' (v26) for provider: virtualbox
    box: Downloading: 
An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error
message, if any, is reproduced below. Please fix this error and try

The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found

I generated a new token in vagrant cloud just in case, that token is now in 
the env in a clean session/shell ... still. My colleague is setting up a 
new machine, clean env ... same. 

So, the questions I have are:

- any hints on how I can debug exactly what payload is being sent (HTTP 
- how do I get support on Vagrant Cloud specifically? 



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