Hello Vagrant visionaries,

I have used Vagrant to create a virtual machine running Ubuntu 16.04 and 
nginx. As I described in this thread 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vagrant-up/XVFPIOXU8aI>, I have 
set up synchronized folders in the Project folder to point at /etc/nginx/ 
and at /var/www/. I have set the virtual machine up with a static IP 
address, and created an example.com site on it.

When I change one of the HTML files in /var/www/example.com/html/, and 
reload that file in my browser, I see the changes immediately. However, 
when I update an external CSS file that the HTML page needs to load, I 
cannot see the changes until I run `vagrant reload`.

It is not enough to reload the nginx settings or to restart nginx: I must 
force the entire VM to reload. I have also checked that the problem is not 
due to the browser caching the CSS page. I have disabled caching, and when 
I load the same page using nginx running on the host machine, the CSS 
changes appear immediately.

Is this a known issue? Can you suggest a solution or a workaround?

Thanks in advance,


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