Hi Alvaro,
sorry for the delay in getting back.
So after vagrant up which leaves the VM in a running state but with the 
              ==> default: Mounting shared folders...
                      default: /vagrant => D:/Vagrant_examples/mint182_base
                     The following SSH command responded with a non-zero 
exit status.
                     Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
                            mkdir -p /vagrant
                            Stdout from the command:

                            Stderr from the command:

I then run vagrant ssh. /vagrant was missing (just to add, I removed it 
from base and re-packaged, re-boxed). 
Running mkdir -p /vagrant gave
           mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/vagrant’: Permission denied

Which makes sense because root directory is 755. When I created it on the 
base, I used sudo.
So vagrant is trying to create /vagrant but not using sudo so how does it 
actually work. Or how can it expect it to work?



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