On Tuesday 09 January 2018 at 15:17:20, yogeen patel wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am new in the vagrant.

Welcome :)

> I want to automate the my environment setup, so that whenever new team
> member join or I change the machine. I just need to one click and all set.

What do you mean by "all set"?  Do you mean that that new team member now has 
a Vagrant machine of their own to work in, which is the same as the one you 
are already working in?

> Now after some research I found the vagrant is one of the solution for that.

Well, Vagrant is a development environment - it will give you virtual machines 
according to a build recipe (which may be your own, or may be one you use from 
a library), but it's not a configuration management system like puppet, ansible 
or chef are.

> But in all the resources they create the virtual environment setup.

Well yes, that's what Vagrant is for.  What do you want it to do instead?

> Did I miss anything to understand ? Can any one help me to guide one click
> setup for my new machine using vagrant ?

What operating system do you want to run Vagrant under?

Have you followed the guides at 


to get Vagrant installed and running on your system?

Help us understand a bit better what you are trying (or hoping) to use vagrant 
to achieve.


"How I managed so long without this book baffles the mind."

 - Richard Stoakley, Group Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation,
   referring to "The Art of Project Management", O'Reilly press

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