
I am using the vagrant esxi plugin for my testing.

Plugin: https://github.com/josenk/vagrant-vmware-esxi

A couple of issues that I am facing.

1. For my testing I need to enable hardware virtualization on the VM that 
is brought up on the ESXI server. Is there a flag that I can enable in the 
vagrant file to support this.
    I am currently manually editing the vmx file on the VM by adding the 
following  : vhv.enable = "TRUE"'

    Is there a flag that I can use in my vagrant file that can be enabled 
to achieve this when the VM is brought up ?

2. For the plugin to work we need ovftool and when run vagrant to bring up 
the VM ovftool prompts for the password of the esxi server.
    Is there a way to change this config so as to not prompt for the 

    Log from console:
               VMware ovftool 4.2.0 (build-5965791)
               Opening VMX source: 
               Enter login information for target vi://
               Username: root
               Password: ********** . =========> Manually entered. How can 
this be avoided?


# Adjustable settings for Master Node

CFG_MEMSIZE = "6000"      # max memory for each VM
CFG_TZ = "US/Pacific"     # timezone, like US/Pacific, US/Eastern, UTC, 
Europe/Warsaw, etc.

CFG_MASTER_NODE_NAME = "sdp-master-esxi-1"

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
  config.ssh.forward_agent = true
  config.vm.define CFG_MASTER_NODE_NAME do |x|
    x.vm.box = "bento/ubuntu-16.04"
    x.vm.provider :vmware_esxi do |v|
      v.esxi_hostname = ''
      v.esxi_username = 'root'
      v.esxi_password = 'password123'
      v.vmname = CFG_MASTER_NODE_NAME
      v.memsize = 6144
      v.numvcpus = CFG_CPU_NUM

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