On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Bradley Holt <bradley.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As Rubin already pointed out, you don't need to give the general
> public write access to your repository. However, if you do want your
> project to be editable by the public while still retaining control I'd
> suggest you take a look at Git and GitHub. Git is a distributed
> revision control system.

Great write-up about git Bradley!  I second the suggestion of using
git and GitHub.  I used both while developing for the sipX project and
it was quite a pleasant experience.  Having used many different source
control tools (cvs, svn, ClearCase), I can say that git is by far the
one that made my job the easiest.  The fact that you can easily start
new projects and host them on GitHub is a nice side benefit.

How about we do a Vague session on git sometime?

  • ... Andrew Tomczak ---- Act Locally. Connect Globally. Burlington Telecom: It's Your Network.
    • ... Richard Lawrence
    • ... jonathan d p ferguson
      • ... Josh Sled
      • ... Bradley Holt
    • ... Andrew Tomczak ---- Act Locally. Connect Globally. Burlington Telecom: It's Your Network.
      • ... Rubin Bennett
      • ... Bradley Holt
        • ... Kevin Thorley
          • ... Bradley Holt
            • ... jonathan d p ferguson
              • ... Kevin Thorley

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