Made another convert this week!

Greetings List Lurkers,

As you read this I have just seen a solar eclise totality...

with luck it will be as clear at 3:30 PM as it is this morning..

I am still frantically working on my Income Taxes,
I continue working on Visual bash scripts for the Zope2
containerization and the good
news is that I got a set of functions which allow Google Drive to
behave at a bash command line.

this meeting I hope to have a better understanding of the following:
Can I use Chat GPT to generate VisualBash scripts?  I particularly
want a shell generator that takes
the help menu based upon the contents of the menu generates the
VisualBash Function slugs, the Evaluator
and the Dispatcher.  The program currently exists in draft form as:

God help me...

In addition am burnishing the following new script: - The LinuX Container CYCle

This is an attempt to recursively encapsulate the tools you need to perform
docker based development.  This kind of script is mostly to allow me
to learn and retain my foo
in docker development.  Whether this script is necessary depends on my
mastery of the "dockeer"
name-space as time goes on. This unworthy efforts is up on GitHub as I
finished mercilessly editing  Please pull it and fix it. more about these foolish ideas (and a complete report on the
solar eclipse)
this Monday evening at 6PM.

This all adds up to our centralizing and convocating at the York
Branch Library this evening.

That said, come in remotely and bring this and any other problems and
questions and we will
do our thing!

This evening beyond the Library face-2-face & gizmo-2-gizmo, we shall
use to connect.

Feel free to click the following link to join...

Come on to Jitsi at 6PM!

Feel free to click the following link to join the meeting:

Let me know if this works for everyone...

Just want to dial in on your phone?

Dial-in: +1.512.402.2718 PIN: 1992759198#

Note that this dial worked with devastating effect from the road...

Click this link to see the dial in phone numbers for this meetingeliminate

Kindest Regards,

Paul Flint

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