Is it possible to:

(1) Write a similar dbus binding with the just-finished new dbus support
in vala?
(2) factor out the code in vala to form a similar dbus library?

The awareness of DBus in gnome stack is increasing.



-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: David Zeuthen <>
> To:
> Subject: EggDBus
> Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 21:48:25 -0500
> Hey,
> For the past 5 weeks or so, I've been working on a new (as compared to
> dbus-glib) D-Bus binding for GObject. The work on this has finally
> reached a stage where the code sufficiently complete and documented so I
> thought I'd send some mail describing it. The code is here
> First, let me briefly describe the motivation behind doing this work.
> Well, there's a couple of reasons:
>  o  The venerable dbus-glib bindings doesn't really make it easy (nor
>     enjoyable) to use D-Bus from GObject (especially not C). At the same
>     time other runtimes, such as Qt, have much more complete D-Bus
>     bindings.
>  o  I was at a point where I needed to either implement or use (for
>     most of them, both) a rather large set of complex D-Bus services:
>     PolicyKit rewrite, ConsoleKit, DeviceKit, DeviceKit-disks,
>     DeviceKit-power.
>     The time it would take to make proper glue code (e.g. GObject
>     properties, signals, encapsulations, async+sync methods etc.) for
>     GObject based programs would be on the order of several months.
>     That is, if I hadn't gone postal while doing it. Thus: EggDBus.
> First, I defined the goals
>  1. The IPC aspect of D-Bus should be as transparent as possible; e.g.
>     where possible D-Bus concepts should be mapped to something the
>     programmer is familiar with. For example, passing an array of
>     structures shouldn't mean messing around with GValues (I regard
>     GValue as an implementation detail of GObject; YMMV).
>  2. The life cycle aspect of D-Bus (which is often an ignored feature
>     of D-Bus: see ) should
>     be very easy to use as well. In other words, it should be very easy
>     to determine if someone already owns a Name on the bus; get notified
>     when the name changes and so on.
>     (Incidentally, a large number of people gets it wrong (I've gotten
>     it wrong many times myself; not pointing fingers here) and their
>     code ends getting woken up whenever a new name appears or disappears
>     on the bus. So it would seem prudent to have good library support
>     for this kind of thing.)
>  3. Easy of use, especially from C, is important. E.g. it should be
>     possible to define an interface in an IDL like language (more on
>     that below), run a code generator, and then, presto, easily consume
>     or provide a D-Bus service. This includes having things like easily
>     accessible docs for the generated glue code.
>     (The desired work-flow for dynamic languages is a bit different; I'm
>      focusing on static languages for now)
> Then I took a good look at what's out there. I looked a lot at Telepathy
> which has a really neat partial solution for goal 1: GInterfaces.
> However, it's still (at least I believe) a shim on top of dbus-glib's
> GValue handling. And AFAICT D-Bus properties aren't mapped to GObject
> properties. Also, the library isn't yet separated out; there's a bunch
> of Telepathy specific bits in telepathy-glib.
> On to how EggDBus works.
> First, you define the D-Bus interfaces in an "IDL language". Here's an
> example from the EggDBus test suite
>  (Note: the "IDL language" is presently annotated D-Bus introspection
>   XML. Yes, I'd be the first to say this is not ideal. In fact, it's
>   fucking ugly. FWIW, I have plans to define a real IDL language in
>   cooperation with other bindings authors in the D-Bus community.)
> In the EggDBus Introspection XML IDL, you define
>  o interfaces
>    - methods
>    - properties
>    - signals
>  o error domains
>  o flag enumerations
>  o enumerations
>  o documentation
>  o structures
>  (The latter five items are not defined by the D-Bus specification but
>   it's implicitly used anyway and it's hard not to argue that these
>   items are not part of an interface. So it should be defined in the
>   same place. That way you won't have to change tons of code whenever
>   a new error or flag is introduced.)
> >From the IDL we now generate C code. This code has gtk-doc comments
> (generated from the IDL) so instead of showing you the code, it's easier
> just to point to the generated gtk-doc HTML (the section "Example of
> Generated Code"):
> Here are the highlights
>  o Each D-Bus interface maps to a GInterface
>    - each D-Bus method maps to
>      - three client side functions, e.g.
>        - test_frob_hello_world_sync()
>        - test_frob_hello_world()
>        - test_frob_hello_world_finish()
>      - one server side VTable entry, e.g.
>        (*handle_hello_world)()
>      - one server side function
>        test_frob_handle_hello_world_finish()
>    - each D-Bus signal maps to
>      - A GObject signal, e.g.
>        - com.example.Twiddle.NewzNotifz -> TestTwiddle:newz-notifz
>      - A type-safe convenience function for emitting the signal
>        - test_twiddle_emit_signal_newz_notifz()
>    - each D-Bus property maps to
>      - A GObject property, e.g.
>        - com.example.Tweak.SomeReadWritePropety -> 
>          TestTweak:some-read-write-property
>        - C getters and setters (depending on the property access flags)
>    - examples:
>  o Each D-Bus structure maps to a EggDBusStructure derived class
>    - with getters/setters for each element
>    - examples:
>  o Each error domain maps to a generated GError error domain
>    - examples:
>  o Flags, enumerations maps to generated subtypes of GEnum and GFlags
>    - examples:
> Note that the standard D-Bus interfaces provided in EggDBus are also
> generated from annotated IDL, e.g.
> is generated from
> Now, onto how this is used. It's very simple. On the client side you use
> the generated functions (such as test_frob_hello_world()) while on the
> server side you implement an object that implements the GInterface in
> question. I'm not going to paste code here, look at the test suite
> instead:
> Note that all server methods are async by default. You could even do
> things like run each method invocation in a separate thread or whatever.
> For name tracking, there's an extremely simple (and I think, useful) way
> to track names
> Now, in order to handle complex data types I really needed something
> like libgee since I need to know the type of the data in order to shove
> it onto the wire (via libdbus). 
> Initially I just did things like using my own boxed GHashTable type that
> stored the D-Bus signature / GType in a lookaside data structure. It was
> still very painful to use from C.
> So, for some historical context, there's already a push to get interface
> collections into the GLib stack
> AFAICT, the main sticking point here is C convenience (especially
> wanting allocating iterators on the stack) and after having experimented
> with libgee I tend to concur.
> So I ended up writing my own EggDBusArraySeq and EggBusHashMap classes
> to make it more friendly to use from C (they actually make it easy to
> use fixed-size types, something that the GLib data types don't). 
> While these classes of mine don't yet implement any of the proposed
> collection interfaces (such as GSeq or GeeList) they are very much
> designed to be able to do so. I will follow up on that bug with more
> detailed thoughts.
> For mapping D-Bus structures to the GObject, I ended up doing something
> that is possibly controversial. The story is here
> Depending on who you ask this could either be clever use of the GObject
> type system or Something That Shouldn't Be Done(tm). Either way, I don't
> see any good alternative if you want a very simple and user-friendly
> API.
> Some other notes about EggDBus
>  - It's going to be used in a number of projects of mine; it's not
>    yet production ready but I expect that to change over the next
>    few months...
>  - Is using libdbus-1 as an _implementation_ detail. E.g. if we decided
>    to change to a more light-weight D-Bus implementation (say, with
>    a GLib-ish abort-on-OOM handling) this can be done behind the scenes.
>  - Is designed specifically to integrate with the GObject type system.
>  - Is designed to be able to handle both arbitrary complex data types
>    - if you follow the dbus list you will note that every few months
>      there's some poor person who run into dbus-glib limitations when
>      trying to pass complex data types around.
>  - Correctness is a concern so there's a very comprehensive test suite
>    already.
>  - Easy of use is a major concern so there's already good doc coverage
>    and a tutorial planned.
>  - Like D-Bus, EggDBus is not a panacea. It is designed specifically
>    to make it comfortable to work with very large and potentially
>    complex D-Bus services like e.g. DeviceKit-disks:
>    (we expect to add a lot more D-Bus interfaces to support things
>     like LVM, btrfs etc. in the near future. So the interfaces are
>     going to grow).
>    from C and GObject. Specifically, EggDBus is not designed for
>    raw throughput; if you need that you probably shouldn't be using
>    D-Bus in the first place.
>    Anyway, without having measured anything there's going to be *some*
>    overhead in using EggDBus just compared to libdbus-1. But this is
>    *fine* for most services; current D-Bus services we have don't need
>    throughput.
>    (case in point: I think I agree with Ryan that things like GSettings
>     shouldn't be using D-Bus for reading properties since you're going
>     to have 20+ apps all doing that on startup.)
>  - Might look over-engineered. It might. But keep in mind it's designed
>    to a) be easy to use; and b) scale to very large and complex D-Bus
>    services. 
>  - Performance is a actually a concern especially when it comes to
>    avoiding wakeups. And of course, avoiding burning CPU cycles
>    is of course a concern (e.g. use O(1) algorithms where possible).
>    Wrt. performance, some people may be concerned about the extensive
>    use of classes and GObject features.  Either way, I think that
>    alexl's work on GIO (EggDBus is comparable to GIO in complexity and
>    size; perhaps a bit simpler / smaller) have shown that just because
>    you're using GObject doesn't mean you have to be slow.
>  - Is designed for C/C++ but written in a way such that the core bits
>    should be useful in language bindings (for example, there's an
>    introspection parser in EggDBus).
>  - Is still a work in progress. See
>    There's also a bunch of TODO items in the code. Nothing major (mostly
>    optimizations that can be done), just saying. Nothing is set in stone
>    yet either.
> This mail is already too long but there's one more thing.
> The reason I chose to call this library EggDBus is because I think it
> would make sense to merge something like this into GLib; here's why
>  - The use of D-Bus in the desktop space is already huge and
>    it's growing. We really need something that is easier to use
>    than dbus-glib. Right now there's no good answer in GNOME for
>    this if you're writing C code.
>  - It would be nice to be able to D-Bus from GTK+. Things like
>    GUniqueApplication comes to mind.
> If there's interest in this I'd be happy with doing the work necessary
> to make it happen (including ensuring that D-Bus on Win32 works etc.).
> If not, I'll just rename EggDBus to something else...
> Finally, sorry for writing such a long mail. FWIW, I realize that many
> people on this list are not necessarily familiar with (or interested in)
> all the D-Bus concepts and specifics covered in this mail. Nonetheless,
> I hope it's clear that it would be a good thing if we had a good answer
> for D-Bus in the core GNOME library stack.
> (And if you got this far, I'll buy you a beer at GUADEC ;-)
> Thanks,
> David
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