On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 00:55 -0300, Lucas Hermann Negri wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a property of GLib.SList type, defined this way:
> "
> public SList<string> labels { get{return h_labels;} set{h_labels = value;} }
> "
> But this leaks memory. What's the correct way of doing this?
I don't think SList<string> itself comes with a leak: the list is
properly destructed, so are the members. The leak does occur when one
removes an element from the list -- in other words there won't be a leak
if you merely use the list to hold the references and never remove
anything from it.

> Also, how do I create a property of type string[]? I tried this way:
> "
> public string[] test { get; set; }
> "
> But the generated C code doesn't compiles.
> Another issue:
> I'm using a PangoLayout created using
> Pango.cairo_create_layout(plot.cr), but I need to call unref() by hand
> in the destructor. This is the correct behavior or just a bug in the
> binding (other objects are managed automatically) ?
> Thanks for the attention.

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