may be I can help you. I'm not a vala developer, but I also looked at source
Do the following
1. Try to download the source
2. Open vala.vapi from vala source (vala-<version>/vala)
Here you have an overview of all used classes in vala-compiler.

I think you can start reading at valaparser.vala


2009/7/13 Jiří Zárevúcky <zarevucky.j...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone.
> It's been some time since I started learning Vala. Now that I
> understand the language (or at least I think so), I'd like to start
> digging into the compilation process, and the compiler itself, so I
> can help develop it and fix issues.
> Can someone give me any pointers on where to start? There is quite a
> lot of code and quite a little documentation on it.
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