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If you have some spare time, please, blog it.


El 23/10/12 00:22, Jim Nelson escribió:
> It would take me a bit of time to explain async (I've thought about blogging 
> about it), but the short
answer is: Vala's async and yield keywords are designed to use MainLoop
to schedule code execution.
> You don't *have* to use them to do asynchronous work, but they are
certainly convenient.
> -- Jim
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 3:19 PM, rastersoft <ras...@rastersoft.com> wrote:
> Yes, you are right: I created a main loop, called run(), and the
callback got called.
> Anyway, I don't understand why is not possible to ensure that the end
callback gets called even without a main loop :?
> Thanks!
> El 23/10/12 00:03, Jim Nelson escribió:
> > For async to work properly, you
> must run the GLib MainLoop. MainLoop is where your async closure
> for test_function.begin() is called. It's where all callbacks are
> scheduled, actually.
> > The only reason this works is that in the case of DO_YIELD
> you stash the test_function.callback and then call it back. That's
> why you're seeing "End callback called 1".
> > A better way to do this is to (a) get rid of ext_callback and
> (b) call "new GLib.MainLoop().run()" right before the "return 0"
> in main(). Without actually modifying the code (i.e. I'm doing
> this off the top of my head), that should work.
> > -- Jim
> > On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:47 PM, rastersoft
> <ras...@rastersoft.com> wrote:
> > Hi all:
> > I was working with async methods, and found something odd: if
> I call an
> > async method, but, for whatever reason, I never call YIELD
> inside, the
> > end callback function is never called.
> > I attach an example: by compiling it with
> > valac -D DO_YIELD -o test_async test_async.vala --pkg=gio-2.0
> > will do a YIELD inside the async function. But when compiled
> with
> > valac -o test_async test_async.vala --pkg=gio-2.0
> > will not. In the former case you can see how "End callback
> called 1" is
> > printed, because the callback for the end is called; but in
> the later,
> > it's not printed.
> > Is that a bug? If not, why does it work that way?
> > Thanks.

- -- 
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                 RASTER    (Linux user #228804)
ras...@rastersoft.com              http://www.rastersoft.com

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