Hello Christian,

On Thursday, 02 May, 2013 08:37 PM, Christian Capasso wrote:
I'm having some issues using the Process_spawn command in an application
ready to be released. My problem is that, the Process_spawn command is not
working if a Terminal window is not opened.

For example, the "dd" command works fine if the application starts up with
an empty Terminal window. This results in something weird: I have to
display a Terminal window together with my application windows to get
everything to work!

This only happens, as far as I know, when a the Terminal command called by
Process_spawn requires Sudo permissions.
Are you calling sudo to run the command? A terminal is required by sudo to
ask for the password by default. Maybe this is the reason a terminal is
opened automatically. If you are indeed running sudo to run the command,
you could pass the -S option in sudo, then check the output when it is
asking for a password. This is how Anjuta do it (though with some
differences, since Anjuta use fork and exec, and the patches to use spawn
functions of GLib instead are not yet committed).


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