2013/5/15 Donn <donn.in...@gmail.com>
>  Are there a lot of new functions in 1.12 that you need? If not,
>> you could just inline the function signatures in your vala code
>> until someone updates the official vapi.
> It seems Evan Nemerson is on the case - yay! - but I'd like to know a
> little more about this inline thing. Do you have an example so I can get
> the picture? (I'm a Pythoner who tripped over Vala and I'm still rubbing my
> chin.)

It's basically the same as declaring foreign functions in C.
Let's say you want to use the function 'int cairo_do_foo()' from Vala,
you would write something like:

namespace Cairo {
    [CCode (cname="cairo_do_foo")]
    extern int do_foo();

The 'CCode' part is a directive to valac for how it should
output the C code. We tell it the actual C function name
to use.

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