OK, I'm probably too kind of a man ^^, Please try this : http://www.tarnyko.net/repo/clutter-gtk-1.15.2_BUNDLE.zip Do the following : save your whole Vala installation folder (the one containing "bin", "include", etc..) to another folder. Then from the zip archive, successively copy and overwrite to this folder the contents of these folders :
- glib-2.40.0
- clutter-1.16.4
- clutter-gtk-1.15.2 I've tried it, it works on the surface, but not sure it is perfectly stable.
Tarnyko Tarnyko writes:
Hi again, Yes, I read the message and the response you got from Emmanuele (I subscribed to clutter-list, too ;-)). I think Clutter 1.2 may be using the XEmbed protocol behing the scenes ; hence why it only works on X11.
So, it will be cool to upgrade clutter in ValaWinPKG. But Tarnyko is always busy :->.

Me, updating anything in the Vala/GNOME win32 stack ? Whooops...
I'd like to say I will do it, but failed miserably at past promises. My personal situation is very different today than when I released all this stuff. Buy ok, I promise you I will at least take a look at it.
Tarnyko gontzal writes:
I have recived a message from Emmanuel Bassi, and says... if you update to Clutter ≥ 1.5.2 (or current master) then embedding *should* work on non-X11 platforms, but it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. ciao, Emmanuele. So, it will be cool to upgrade clutter in ValaWinPKG. But Tarnyko is always busy :->. Gontzal.
or., 2014.eko iraren 19a 12:58(e)an, Tarnyko igorleak idatzi zuen:
Hi gontzal,
Tried to use the procedure from :
gontzal writes:
But... is not easy to find the gstreamer bundle for windows and the gtk-clutter bundle. Any body knows about them?
Thanks. I will try it.
ig., 2014.eko iraren 14a 20:22(e)an, Daniel Espinosa igorleak idatzi zuen:

I can help you. You can see at GXml project in git.gnome.org <http://git.gnome.org>. I've managed to build it under windows with no problems. Just download GTK+ for windows bundle and use see to change prefix variable I'm all PC files to point to the Dir you uncompress this bundle. You must install mingw-w64 on your distribution. Then on terminal set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to pont the directory you uncompress gtk+ bundle and add to the path lib/pkgconfig directory; this is very important, if you don't set correctly, pkg-config will find PC files from your Linux Installation and you compilation will fail with lot errors on headers. When configure your software, use --host= to the platform you want to use, 32 or 64 bits. On Ubuntu you must use x86_64-w64-mingw32 for 64 bits and i686-w64-mingw32, if you get lot of errors from included headers then the above host targets are wrong. If most module use gobject introspection, you must disable because bundle doesn't include it. As you can see on GXml, I've use valac to get C code then use the mingw-w64 compiler to compile it to get exe and DLLs. C code must depend on a rule that use valac to get it. But be this is not required, may you want to use valac directly, in theory it must use mingw-w64 compiler because the host setting. El sep 14, 2014 8:29 AM, "Gontzal Uriarte" <txasato...@gmail.com <mailto:txasato...@gmail.com>> escribió:
  I have finished a "Katamotz Ejercicios" new application for reading
    learning and teaching. Is a Genie application and it uses gtk-3,
   cogl, clutter, clutter-gtk and gstreamer. No problems for building
    linux for linux, but how do it for Windows. I have seen some
    tutorials from
    Tarnyko and others but... there is anyone for help me?
    Thanks. Txasatonga.
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