I'm having an issue with the way vala generates names for functions like
callback wrappers and struct array free routines.  I am writing a vapi for
a library that does not typedef structures, so in my vapi I have to set the
cname to include struct, i.e. cname="struct some_structure".  This results
in the generated free for an array of some_structure being generated as
"_vala_struct some_structure_array_free".

In addition, the header I am wrapping defines callbacks as function
definitions, rather than function pointers.  So when I define my delegates
I have to include the * in the cname:  cname="callback_function *".  This
results in a wrapper function for a delegate of "test_callback" being
generated as "_test_callback_callback_function *".

In order to solve both these problems I have added some string replace
methods to swap spaces and *'s for underscores, although certainly not
everywhere that this issue could appear.  Is there a better solution I
should be using, like setting array copy function names in the vapi similar
to how you can set the destroy function name?

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