----- Original Message -----
> From: Brian Grooman <thebutterkn...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, 11 January 2016, 23:21
> Subject: [Vala] gir introspection problem
> I've also looked through the code to see if I could figure out a proposed
> patch, but I don't know the source code very well.  This makes tracking
> down the issue quite a task for me.
> Could anyone with more experience with the vala source point me in the
> right direction? Maybe some ideas about where to start looking for the
> issue?

I found the diagrams in https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/Hacking  useful
for an overview of the stages Vala follows. Also the diagram in 

Be aware the code base makes heavy use of inheritance so there's a bit of
going back and forth as you figure out what is going on.

The codegen directory contains a number of writers to convert the Vala AST to
an appropriate output. I think for GIR you should start looking at:

>From what I can tell the VAPI code writer is:
This may be useful for comparison. As a side note I personally think it
should be moved to the codegen directory to make the code base easier for
new people to navigate, but that is another matter.

I'm not immediately finding at bug report at
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/page.cgi?id=browse.html&product=valafor what you 
describe. As usual a simple test case that demonstrates the
problem will help a lot.

I hope that is useful to you.

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