----- Original Message -----
> From: Matthias Berndt <matthias_ber...@gmx.de>
> Sent: Tuesday, 17 May 2016, 23:03
> Subject: [Vala] compiler crash with delegates
> I've written some code that crashes the compiler:
> class Foo<T> {
>   public delegate void del(T t);
>   public del bla() {
>     return y => {};
>   }
> }
> Clearly this is a compiler bug, but it still makes me wonder: is it *just* a 
> compiler bug, or is there also something wrong with the code itself?

This could be related to:

It helps to know what the "crash" is - there will be messages shown that
give an insight into what is going. "Crash" is unfortunately too generic
for a good assessment.

If you are happy getting your hands dirty in C code you can compile with
"valac --ccode" to see what is going on. 

As a thought you may want to try:
return (y) => {};
y should be an argument of type T of course. The type is inferred by the 

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