they are 2 relative questions I found in my msys2 on Windows 7

1. how to distribute EXE for PC without glib/gtk/etc? Currently, I
copy all DLLs under /msys64 to the same directory where the EXE stays.
The problem is that it is not so nice, and the DLLs take up 150Mbytes!
So is there an automatic way to copy only necessary DLLs?

2. If I run hello_gtk.exe in the dos prompt window of Windows7, when I
close it, nothing is displayed. However, in msys2, I have changed the
current working directory to where hello_gtk.exe can be found, the I
run and close hello_gtk.exe
$ ./hello_gtk.exe

# then I close hello_gtk.exe

(hello_gtk.exe:43496): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: attempt to override
closure->va_marshal (0000000063a48a20) with new marshal

Why? and how to eliminate it? Thanks
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