> From: Guillaume Poirier-Morency <guillaumepoiriermore...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, 5 December 2016, 17:30
> Subject: Re: [Vala] VAPI-Bindings to obscure c-types.

> You could also use a [FloatingType] declaration and not mess with 
> pre-processor directives.

> [FloatingType]
> public struct dReal {}

Nice solution. I presume [FloatingType] allows for the struct to be initialized 
with a real literal, whereas just using [SimpleType] means it has to use the 
struct syntax. So

dReal x = 1.23456;

instead of 

dReal x = { 1.23456 );

>  [SimpleType]
>  [CCode (cname = "dReal", has_type_id = false)]
>  public struct dReal : float {
>  }

In terms of Vala syntax I think [FloatingType], [IntegerType] and [BooleanType] 
enable the use of the relevant Vala literal syntax when initializing the 
struct. I'm not so sure about the implicit casting rules in Vala, is the rank 
detail required? There is also a width detail.

In terms of the C code generated the glib-2.0.vapi also has CCode details for 
'default_value' and for doubles 'type_signature'. Not sure how relevant they 

It would be nice to get my understanding of [FloatingType], [IntegerType] and 
[BooleanType] nailed and I'll try updating the Simple Types section of the 
Legacy Bindings doc.

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