Hi Ulink,

thank you very much for helping out :-)

So i used this code:

Gtk.Box box = new Gtk.Box (Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, 0);       
        box.pack_start (new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Add new Revision"));
        box.pack_start (new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Build Publication"));
        box.pack_start (new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Edit Configuration"));
        this.add (box);

To work with signals i like to use *.clicked.connect. So i tried
box_pack_start (Gtk.Button revision = new Gtk.Button.with_label ("Add
new Revision"));

It looks like this isn't possible. What can i do?



On 05.04.2017 12:26, Ulink wrote:
> ... and there are many other fancy Gtk layout containers:
> GtkBox — A container box
> GtkGrid — Pack widgets in rows and columns
> GtkRevealer — Hide and show with animation
> GtkListBox — A list container
> GtkFlowBox — A container that allows reflowing its children
> GtkStack — A stacking container
> GtkStackSwitcher — A controller for GtkStack
> GtkStackSidebar — An automatic sidebar widget
> GtkActionBar — A full width bar for presenting contextual actions
> GtkHeaderBar — A box with a centered child
> GtkOverlay — A container which overlays widgets on top of each other
> GtkButtonBox — A container for arranging buttons
> GtkPaned — A widget with two adjustable panes
> GtkLayout — Infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and/or
> custom drawing
> GtkNotebook — A tabbed notebook container
> GtkExpander — A container which can hide its child
> GtkOrientable — An interface for flippable widgets
> GtkAspectFrame — A frame that constrains its child to a particular
> aspect ratio
> GtkFixed — A container which allows you to position widgets at fixed
> coordinates
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