Sorry that I started this discussion...

What I wanted to make clear is that no C# developer(including me) leaves his 
comfort zone 
for a not-well-functioning IDE, however it may be called.

I was really surprised when I read about it
"Goodbye Mono, Hello Vala!"
and so on...
But then came the disillusionment ;-)

The use is for me as if I were back in the Stone Age.(Sorry about this 
And changing my C# projects to Vala seems impossible.

No "Swiss army knife" just a IDE specially tailored to vala.

Gesendet: 09.10.2018 22:36
An: <>
Betreff: Re: [Vala] C# Developer
Hi all,
I am not sure which part of the thread to misuse but maybe we would be good to 
use something like bountysource or kickstarter to add feature wishes.

In my opinion the best way for now is to forget about performance and go the 
language server way. Manly because every IDE can share the code with it. Of 
course it is not perfect and of course some things will still be missing. But 
the good thing about using language server is that it is IDE independent and 
even language independent. Most IDE and editors nowadays support language 
servers. And will continue to support them. A perfect IDE is just so far away 
that anything which will stay longer will be a good start. The language server 
can be extended for things which are not in the specification. But currently 
there is no Vala IDE which is anywhere near at the full feature set of the 
server specification. A specific IDE might die but I don't think that editors 
and IDE will stop to support the language server support in the future.

After we are at the point that the compiler is the main problem as Christian 
Hergert pointed out later in this thread. We can add bounties to enhance the 
compiler part. But for now I don't know any IDE for which this is the 

So there are two servers right now that I know of:

But both are not easy to use right now. So in my opinion we should look at both 
of them and decide which one we want to support. Add bounties for different 
features and try to convince people and companies using Vala to pay a bit of 
money to get feature sets done.

benwaffle seams to be on this list so what do you think about it? I am not sure 
about davidmhewitt but I think he is on the elementary team which uses 
bountysources already?

Nice pro and cons for language-servers are listed at this blog post [1] from a 
gsoc attempt to add Rust support to Kdevelop.

Tarnyko pointed out that he might be willing to get paid to enhance Val(a)IDE. 
This is also a possible route.

Gnome builder crashes a lot on my system and I cannot get used to the way it 
works, most of the time it is not helping me but is in my way. Mainly because 
it does quite every thing exactly the other way around that I would do it. But 
the builder has also one of the best IDE support for Vala! So it might also be 
a good route.

What do you think which route we should follow?

We are a small community and it would be nice to bundle the efforts to get a 
nice IDE support :)

What the language server also not defines is how to get debugging support :/ So 
this part is IDE/editor dependent. Maybe we can define some API or wrapper for 
how to call gdb from any IDE to fully support Vala? Next big thing would be to 
target embedded systems for which I use Vala most. No IDE that I know of has 
some run on target and debug that damn thing built in. I mostly use the command 
line for this.

My workflow for now is vscode + vala syntax highlight + valadoc + ack + command 
line + meson + gdb. I know all the tools well so I don't really miss an IDE but 
I would like to help to get it started.


1 wrote on 09.10.2018 18:04:

> Maybe the wrong mailing-list ...
> First of all, I think Vala is good and very performant.
> I would like to but can not...
> If a C# developer really (not only for fun) to change to Vala, then must
> necessarily be a valadevelop available!
> With completion and tooltips and and and.
> I have already tried a few, but all do not meet the expectations
> (Geany/Anjuta/builder)
> The already existing tools are nice, but that's not enough.
> What happened to the project Valaide?
> In C# you can easily call C methods to improve performance. mono have a C
> bridge in both directions..
> I mean, certainly other C# developers too, that to develop seriously their 
> "valadevelop" must be available.
> Greetings
> Wolfgang
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