Is there a way to have a GtkTemplate inside a GtkTemplate ?

Am 18.12.18 um 12:21 schrieb Wolfgang Mauer:
Ok, thanks a lot!

Am 18.12.18 um 12:09 schrieb Al Thomas:
> On Tuesday, 18 December 2018, 09:27:06 GMT, Wolfgang Mauer <> wrote:
> In vala tried Gtk.Builder "extend_with_template".

> If i try this in vala with

> [GtkChild] private Box mainBox;
> i get the error "error: [GtkChild] is only allowed in classes with a
[GtkTemplate] attribute"

> Is there a other attribute for the gtk.builder using "extend_with_template"?

No there isn't. You either use [GtkChild] in a class marked with [GtkTemplate] and Vala generates the right code for you or you code it all using the GTK+ API.

All the best,

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