> On Saturday, 11 January 2020, 01:59:00 GMT, Jason Martin via vala-list 
<vala-list@gnome.org> wrote:  
> Does [CCode (type = "char*")] limit string to ascii only?

char declares the type so the compiler knows the size of the memory. On POSIX 
(Unix) and most other platforms that is 8 bits. The * indicates the parameter 
is a pointer to that data type. The rest is convention. So typically char* 
points to an array of char that is used to hold a string. The convention in C 
is for this array to be terminated by zero. The character encoding is not 
specified to the compiler, it is a matter to be agreed upon by the programs 
using the char array. It could be ASCII, but there are plenty of other 
character encodings that can fit in a char (typically 8 bits) and this include 
multi-byte encodings like Unicode's UTF-8. So, no, [CCode (type = "char*")] 
doesn't limit the string to ASCII.

> If not should I just use char*?Good question. You should probably just use 
> 'string' to start with. I guess the [CCode (type = "char*")] is to stop a 
> compiler warning about gchar*, but I've not investigate that with any code.
Hope that helps,
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