On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:08 AM, Aleksander
<valgrind-us...@aleksander.es> wrote:
> Can someone explain the error shown below?
> It's in a glib-based application, and it seems that DRD doesn't like the
> call to send() in libpthread while creating a new thread at the same time...
> Why is this wrong?
> [ ... ]
> ==19314== Conflicting load by thread 6 at 0x39ba019310 size 4
> ==19314==    at 0x39B9E0D192: send (in /lib64/libpthread-2.5.so)
> ==19314==    by 0x4C342D0: __jardin_connection_module_send_impl
> (jardin_connection_module.c:863)
> [ ... ]
==19314== Allocation context: BSS section of /lib64/libpthread-2.5.so
> [ ... ]

DRD uses the Valgrind core to print a call stack when a conflicting
memory access has been detected. I'm not sure the library information
in the above call stack is correct: as far as I know send() is a
function that has been implemented in libc and not in libpthread.

If it's not clear why DRD reports a conflicting memory access, the
following will help:
- Start from the address on which a conflicting memory access has been
reported, and find out with which data structure in the source code
program this address corresponds. If you don't have a clue, inspect
your program at the time the conflicting memory access was reported
with --db-attach=yes.
- Find out where the data structure has been allocated. If the memory
has been allocated dynamically, insert a DRD_TRACE_VAR(...) statement
just after the allocation. If it's a global or static variable, insert
the DRD_TRACE_VAR(...) macro in a function that is called before the
data structure is used.

See also the Valgrind manual for more information about the
DRD_TRACE_VAR() macro.


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