On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:00 AM, tom fogal wrote:

> This is the wrong forum to ask for available suppression files, for
> the most part.  In this case, you want to go bother your MPI library
> vendor.


If you are using valgrind with MPICH2 then you should make sure that  
you configure MPICH2 with "--enable-g=dbg,meminit".  This will cause  
the library to initialize communication buffers before they are passed  
to the write syscall and will use valgrind client requests to  
otherwise make valgrind happier.  All of this comes at a slight  
performance penalty, so people typically build two versions of their  
MPI library: one for debugging and one for performance.

Peeking ahead at your other mail thread, it looks like you are  
actually using MVAPICH2, so you may want to ask about this on their  
mailing list (http://mail.cse.ohio-state.edu/mailman/listinfo/mvapich-discuss 
).  MVAPICH2 is derived from MPICH2, so the same configure flag may  
work.  However I don't know that first-hand.

As Julian pointed out on the other thread, compiling for TCP/IP might  
make it easier to debug as well.  I think that you can do that as  
outlined here: 


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