> how can I direct the checkgrind output files
> (basic block, Function before, Function after) to a network socket instead?

If checkgrind forces its output onto named files (instead of designated
but unnamed file descriptors), then create those filenames in advance
as named pipes using "mkfifo", then for each named pipe use a parallel
process (such as "cp" or "cat") to copy the named pipe to the socket.

File descriptors can be re-directed using shell syntax.  As Fred Smith
suggested, the usual destination would be 'nc' (netcat).

nc is very versatile, but if for some reason it is not enough, then
write a small program to establish the socket, dup2(socket, 1),
and finally execve("checkgrind", ...) which will re-direct stdout
to the socket.

>From within any Linux process, file descriptor k may be referenced
as the filename /proc/self/fd/k.  For instance, stderr is

[All of this is no different for 'checkgrind' than for any process.]


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