On 22/01/2011, at 2:30 AM, Dave Goodell wrote:

> On Jan 20, 2011, at 6:43 PM CST, john skaller wrote:
>> OK, so I do this now:
> ...
>>       if(debug)
>>         fprintf(stderr, "Check if *%p=%p is a pointer\n",i,*(void**)i);
>>       scan_object(*(void**)i, reclimit);
> ...
>> The VALGRIND macro there doesn't seem to be working, I must be
>> doing something wrong. I'm trying to just mark the whole stack as defined.
>> Here's output:
> ...
> The way that I read this output is that your range variable and the data in 
> that range is probably defined because Valgrind isn't flagging i or the value 
> at address i when you perform the "Check if" fprintf above.  

Good point..

> Rather, it's flagging an fprintf inside of scan_object on line 451, whose 
> output you did not include.  Maybe it's the reclimit variable?

I shouldn't think so, though it's hard to be sure of anything.

Scan object look to see if the "pointer" value it gets is actually a pointer 
into the heap.
If so, it looks at the pointer inside the pointed at object (recursively). I 
know where the
pointers are because I know the type of every heap object.

It doesn't chase down the "pointer" unless its an actual pointer into the heap:
it doesn't chase ints, raw C pointers (not Felix heap allocated), or pointers 
into the stack or static storage.

In this program there is only ONE data structure on the heap: list nodes.
Which contain exactly one pointer (to the next node). There are no list
nodes on the stack.

The "pointers" used for lists are actually tagged pointers:

struct _uctor_ { int variant; void *data; };
variant = 0 means "end of list" and 1 means a node with data in it is being 
pointed at.
[So a node the last node has a value in it and a pointer with variant 0 and 

It is the "variant" which is sometimes overwritten with a value like 99762976,
it should be only 0 or 1, my has switches on the variant, which include
a wildcard for values other than 0 or 1, which cause a diagnostic to be
printed "match failure" and then abort the program.

>> ==7159==  Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation
>> ==7159==    at 0x10000E492: 
>> flx::gc::collector::flx_collector_t::mark(std::vector<flx::pthread::memory_range_t,
>>  std::allocator<flx::pthread::memory_range_t> >*) (flx_collector.cpp:337)
> It's odd that the stack allocation is attributed to line 337, which AFAICT is 
> the line where scan_object is called.  Is there some sort of odd automatic 
> C++ temporary allocation happening here that I can't see because some other 
> code isn't shown here or (more likely) my C++ is too rusty somehow?  

I don't think so.

> Perhaps under optimization an uninitialized and otherwise-unused reclimit 
> variable only gets created at the time that the arguments to scan_object are 
> pushed onto the stack?

Well that's possible, but I'm doing a debug build, I *think* that doesn't do 
C++ optimisation
(normally I run with -O3 on gcc).

The nasty thing is now it is working, some quirk has changed something.. :)

john skaller

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