On 03/15/2011 05:19 PM, Shamis, Pavel wrote:
> Hey,
> Valgrind doesn't work on systems that don't have "/tmp" directory. After some 
> debug we found that the "/tmp" directory is actually hardcoded in the code. I 
> changed the code to get the TMP directory from environment variable. As 
> result it provides us a way to customize temporary directory location. If no 
> value is specified, the default one ("/tmp") is used.  
> Please see attached patch. It really may be helpful to see some resolution 
> for the problem in future Valgrind version.  

Yes, this should be fixed. Not sure whether a valgrind specific environment 
is needed. TMPDIR usually serves this purpose in unix-like OSes and should 
be used instead.  Can you file a bug, so this won't fall through the cracks?
See  http://valgrind.org/support/bug_reports.html for some info on how to do 


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