Apologies if this has been discussed before.. couldn't find a way to search
the archives.

In a Linux (2.6.34) based platform I have a process that does the
functionality of process management by spawning other processes, monitoring
them etc.

For debugging purposes I want to spawn a process using valgrind.. So I fork
and exec with the following parameters to execve

execvp("/usr/bin/valgrind", args);
args is an array of character pointers..

args[0] = /usr/bin/valgrind
args[1] = --log-file=<file_name>
args[2] = path to the program to be started in valgrind
args[3] = argument to the program
args[4] = '\0'

But this doesn't work. I see valgrind running, but log file is not
generated and it doesn't see to do anything.

I did an strace for an invocation of valgrind from the shell and in the
exec call the parameters are similar to what I am passing programmatically.

Any ideas what might be wrong ?

-Ram Manohar.
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