On Wed, 2013-04-17 at 13:07 +0800, Ice Frog wrote:

> I'm using Valgrind for profiling, but it reported failures(lots of
> failures with same error message) as below:
> Thread 295: status = VgTs_WaitSys

There is very little info with which help can be provided.

Are you using callgrind or cachegrind for cpu profiling ?
Or massif or dhat for heap profiling ?

The above msg looks to be an extract from a bigger set of information:
looking in the valgrind code, I am guessing that the only piece of
code that can produce the above 'Thread status=' message is
the function 'VG_(show_sched_status)'.

This function is either called explicitely on user request
(which I guess is not your case)
or if some kind of internal error is detected by Valgrind,
causing an abort of Valgrind.
For such cases, an error msg explaining what is the internal
error is produced preceding or following the status of all threads.

The best to provide some info is to attach the full output of your run
(as is) and/or another run with some additional tracing
arguments (e.g. -v -v -v -d -d -d).

Or at least examine the surrounding of these 'Thread status' messages
to see if there is not an indication of an internal error.
Just having a thread status as shown above gives no idea about
what problem has been encountered.


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