On 06/09/14 08:51, Dave Ohlsson wrote:
> int i = 0;
> int main()
> {
>     std::thread t1( []() { i = 1; } );
>     std::thread t2( []() { i = 2; } );
>     t1.join();
>     t2.join();
>     std::cerr << "i = " << i << std::endl;
>     return 0;
> }
> [other code as before]
> </updated part of main.cc>
> The problem now is that DRD does not warn about the data race.

Can you repeat this test with a sleep(1) inserted before "i = 1" ? This
false negative is maybe caused by std::thread using a shared pointer to
manage the created thread. Maybe that annotation informs DRD that i = 1
has finished before i = 2 is executed, hence the false negative.


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