El día Wednesday, July 30, 2014 a las 08:17:11AM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:
> the big C-server (where strchrnul() is not replaced):
> http://www.unixarea.de/valg1.txt
> the small C-code above (where strchrnul() is replaced):
> http://www.unixarea.de/valg2.txt
> I'm not a valgrind expert and can not say what is causing the
> difference; let me know if you want me to file a bug report with the data.

I found the reason by reading and comparing both files line by line; the
problem is visible in valg1.txt:

ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/local/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_core-x86-linux.so' from 
cannot be preloaded: ignored.

this was caused by a Linux problem; someone did an error and updated the
SuSE Linux to x86_64 while it should stay 32bit; valgrind was
was compiled on it; later the box was resetted to 32bit x86
but valgrind was not re-compiled again; I did this now and now all the
C-lib functions are redirected correctly.

Thread closed :-)


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