It seems to me that the rational thing to do is, in SE 11, to implicitly assume max-depth is zero, and be done.  (IE, pretend to implement this proposal, but don't actually allow classfiles to have the attribute.)  Then we won't get any classfiles that have cycles, and the full spectrum of cycle-accepting approaches is still on the table.

This proposal is essentially about *enabling* recursive constants in the classfile; one would not need a RC attribute if one has no self-reference in the CP.  But allowing cycles merely creates a bigger problem down the road -- how should bytecode readers present such a recursive constant using the symbolic reference API?  You can't construct such a thing with the API we have, and that's by design; the API has been designed to be value-based (and let compilers intern away the duplication).  So allowing controlled cycles in the classfile still doesn't address the question of how to build a symbolic reference for them.  The result will probably be classfiles that blow up when you try to parse them -- not good.

What use cases are we really concerned about here?  I may have missed the meeting where these cases were brought up, but it feels a little bit like we're extrapolating from a single example (or maybe a single Future<Example>).

On 1/19/2018 3:11 PM, Dan Smith wrote:
We had the following discussion in the Dec 20 meeting:

On Jan 3, 2018, at 9:11 AM, Karen Kinnear < <>> wrote:

Dan S: Cycle handling
Array types can have cycles
  - rather than relying on ordering - perhaps tell tree depth - e.g. component type & dimensions - all in the CP John: perhaps modify to include the depth indicators in an attribute (separate proof of acyclicity)
Remi: but if you insert a condy …
John: would need to discard the attribute
Dan H: concern about a constant array for each dimension
? maybe some adhoc compression techniques
Remi: why do you want to be cycle free?
Dan S: hard to verify if types cyclical?
Remi: why do you need to check in the verifier?
John: maybe a structural constraint?
Remi: if value - ok, but not for an array of values?
  e.g. Object[] with first entity as itself
Dan: want array type convertible to finite string, benefit of attribute not tied to construct is it can evolve

Dan H: Concerns about attributes - will this be as hard to maintain for e.g. class redefiners/bytecode generators as stackmaptables? No - you have to keep the CP indices in sync, but stackmaptables required abstract interpretation - transformer did not have the type information, and the compression mechanism was harder to implement and these
would just require bumping indices.

To flesh the attribute idea out, here's a possible spec. Mentions CONSTANT_Dynamic for now, and would be modified in the future to name other constant types that allow cycles.

Is this a happy solution to the problems raised in previous discussions about constant cycles? Any new problems introduced?


4.7.28 The `RecursiveConstants` Attribute (new)

The `RecursiveConstants` attribute is a variable-length attribute in the `attributes` table of a `ClassFile` structure ([4.1]). The `RecursiveConstants` attribute facilitates checks that a `CONSTANT_Dynamic` entry in the `constant_pool` table does not refer, directly or indirectly, to itself ([4.4.13]).

RecursiveConstants_attribute {
    u2 attribute_name_index;
    u4 attribute_length;
    u2 num_recursive_constants;
    {   u2 constant_index;
        u2 max_recursion_depth;
    } recursive_constants[num_recursive_constants];

The items in the `RecursiveConstants_attribute` structure are as follows:


:  The value of the `attribute_name_index` item must be a valid index into the `constant_pool` table. The `constant_pool` entry at that index must be a `CONSTANT_Utf8_info` structure ([4.4.7]) representing the string `"RecursiveConstants"`.


: The value of the `attribute_length` item indicates the length of the attribute, excluding the initial six bytes.


: The value of the `num_recursive_constants` item gives the number of entries in the `recursive_constants` array.


: Each entry in the `recursive_constants` table contains the following two items:

    : The value of `constant_index` must be a valid index into the `constant_pool` table. The `constant_pool` entry at that index must be a `CONSTANT_Dynamic` structure ([4.4.13]).         There may be at most one entry in the `recursive_constants` table for each `CONSTANT_Dynamic` structure in the `constant_pool`.
    : The value of `max_recursion_depth` designates a _maximum recursion depth_ for the referenced constant.

4.4.13 The `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` Structure (modified)

The `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure is used to describe a _dynamically-computed constant_, an arbitrary primitive or reference value produced by invocation of a _bootstrap method_ ([4.7.23]). The structure specifies i) a bootstrap method handle with an optional sequence of _static arguments_ and ii) a referenced name and type.

CONSTANT_Dynamic_info {
   u1 tag;
   u2 bootstrap_method_attr_index;
   u2 name_and_type_index;

The items of the `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure are as follows:


: The `tag` item of the `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure has the value
`CONSTANT_Dynamic` (17).


: The value of the `bootstrap_method_attr_index` item must be a valid index into the `bootstrap_methods` array of the bootstrap method table ([4.7.23]) of this class file.

    **The _maximum recursion depth_ of a `CONSTANT_Dynamic` structure is the value given by `max_recursion_depth` of an entry referencing the `CONSTANT_Dynamic` structure in the `recursive_constants` table of the `RecursiveConstants` attribute ([4.7.28]); or, if no such entry exists, 0. Let _d_ be the maximum recursion depth of this `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure. For each item in the `bootstrap_arguments` array of the `bootstrap_methods` entry referenced by `bootstrap_method_attr_index`, if the item references a `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure, the maximum recursion depth of that structure must be less than (and not equal to) _d_.**

    > **This check prevents a `CONSTANT_Dynamic_info` structure from referring to itself via one of its static arguments.**


: The value of the `name_and_type_index` item must be a valid index into the `constant_pool` table. The `constant_pool` entry at that index must be a `CONSTANT_NameAndType_info` structure ([4.4.6]) representing a name and field descriptor ([4.3.2]).

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